2022 07 10 2122
찍으면서 매니저 오빠한테 똑같냐고 물어봤는데
I asked my manager if it was the same.
아니여? 찐중딩때는 눈썹이 송충이인데요? 하면서 놀려쎠
No? When I was in middle school, my eyebrows were caterpillars. He teases me while doing that.
마자여.. 저 눈썹 진짜 못 그렸었음 😂😂
That's right... I really didn't draw my eyebrows 😂😂
니진 Tmi
방금 매니저 오빠한테 인사하는데 습관적으로 깨발랄하게 빠빠이~~~라고 함
Nizin Tmi (Nizin Tmi.
I just said hello to my manager, and he habitually said, "Bye bye!"
이런게 바로 직업병..
This is what occupational disease is all about.
다 빵터졌어 ㅋㅋㅋ
Everyone is laughing out loud.