2022 05 15 1258
기분 좋앙 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 💖
I feel good ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 💖
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ배달버전 팹
(Laughs) (Laughs)Delivery version fab
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ아니 갑자기
LOL. No, all of a sudden.
리뷰 하다가 생각나서
I thought of it while reviewing it.
내가 지금까지 썼던 리뷰들 보고 왔거든?
I saw the reviews that I wrote so far.
너무 웃곀ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It's so funny.(Laughs) (Laughs)
It's so cheesy.
아 진짜 웃겨 미안 차마 못 말하겠어
It's so funny. I'm sorry. I can't say it.
그래 하나만
Okay, just one.
It was a gopchang place.
곱이 가득가득~! 서비스 감사해요~!
Full of tripe! Thank you for the service!
𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛
𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛
다른 건 횟집이였는데
The other one was a sushi restaurant
회가 완전 두툼두툼~!
The sashimi is so thick!
이건 또 다른 곱창집이였는데
It was another tripe place.
별 다섯개에
Five stars.
맛있어요 근데 감자가 덜 익었어요 아삭아삭
It's good. But the potatoes are not fully cooked. Crunchy crunchy.
아 진짜 웃겨
Ah, so funny.
아 그리고 치킨집 리븈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Oh, and chicken restaurant review.(Laughs) (Laughs)
행복을 돈 주고 살 수 있다면 그것은 바로 뿌x클
If you can buy happiness with money, it's Ppooxkul.
아 진짜 웃기네ㅠㅠ 하
Ah, that's so funny. Haha.
꿀잼꿀잼 ㅎㅁㅎ
It's so much fun.
블루베리 잼 Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
정말 시중에 파는 것 같아요! 블루베리베이글에 발라먹으니 꿀맛꿀맛 >_< 나중에 크림치즈 꼭 사서 함께 먹어봐야겠어요~
아! 그리고 오빛들은 맛 볼 수 없어서 별 한개 뺐어요~
Blueberry Jam Review
It really seems like it's sold on the market! It tastes so good when you put it on blueberry bagels >_< I should buy cream cheese and try it together.~
Oh! And ORBIT couldn't taste it, so they took out one star.
배고파서 잠이 안와
I can't sleep because I'm hungry.
I can’t sleep! because I’m starving now!!!
I can’t sleep! because I’m starving now!!!
잼은 어제 새벽에 먹었는데 까먹고 리뷰를 안했어
I ate jam last night, but I forgot to review it.
오늘 너무 정신없어서
It was so hectic today.
샌드위치 반개 먹었도 그래서 지금 배고플만해
I ate half a sandwich, so I'm sure I'm hungry right now.
오랜만에 지하철 샌드위치 먹었는데
It's been a while since I had a subway sandwich.
하 오랜만에 시켜먹으려니까 플렛브레드가 순간 기억 안 나는거야
Since it's been a while since I ordered it, I couldn't remember the flatbread.
그래서 위트빵인가 휘트빵인가 뭐시기로 잘못시켰는데
So I made a mistake with "wit bread" or "whit bread".
퍽퍽해가지고 씹을 수가 웂더
It was so dry that I couldn't chew it.
아보카도 추가해먹은거 어케알앗더
How did you know that I added avocado?
내 오늘 샌드위치 레시피 잠만
My sandwich recipe today. Hold on.
터키베이컨아보카도 15cm 세트
(더블초코칩 쿠키, 제로콜라)
토스팅 ㅇ
소스: 후추,소금
제외: 올리브, 토마토, 피클
+아보카도 추가, 치즈(동일치즈)추가
Turkey Bacon Avocado 15 cm Set
(Double chocolate chip cookies, zero cola)
Wheat bread.
Fried cheese.
Sauce: Pepper, salt
Excluded: olives, tomatoes, pickles
Add avocado, cheese (same cheese.
쓰는데 힘들었다…😂
It was hard to write...😂
빵은 휘트말고 플렛으로 먹어…
Eat bread with a flatt, not a wheat...
나 토마토 싫지는
I don't like tomatoes.
I don't.
샌드위치 안에 들어가면 먹기 불편해서 빼
If it goes in the sandwich, it's uncomfortable to eat so take it out.
옛날에 우리 멤버들
A long time ago, our members...
스테이크앤치즈에 오믈렛? 추가해서 먹는거 엄청 좋아햇엇는데 그것도 완전 추천이야👍
Steak and cheese and omelet? I really liked to add and eat it, but that's also highly recommended 👍
나 조금이라도 자야게찌?
Why don't I sleep a little bit?
알아뜌 ಥ_ಥ
I know ಥ_ಥ
빨리 자! 다들
Hurry up and sleep! Everyone!
놀아줘서 고마웡
Thank you for playing with me.
나 때문에 깬건아니지?
You didn't wake up because of me, did you?
I know.
꿈에서 만나😍
See you in your dreams 😍
Dream of me
Dream of me