2022 05 11 1199
오늘의 집이라닠ㅋㅋ
Today's house lol
꿈의 집이야 꿈의 집
It's a dream house. Dream house of dreams.
하 근데 6000탄 넘어가니까 너무 어렵더라
But it was so hard when I went over the 6000th episode.
이건 만렙이 9011이야.. 따라잡기 너무 힘들다😂
It's 9011 full level. It's so hard to catch up.😂
그 정도면 광기아냐?
Isn't that crazy?
너무 어려워
It's too hard.
하다가 안 깨지면
If it doesn't break while doing it,
개발자들은 이걸 아이템없이 깨보고 만들긴 한건가?
Did the developers break this without an item?
아이템없이 깰 수 있는거면 인정이지
If you can break it without an item, I'll admit it.
근데 저건 깨려면 현질을 해야 해..
But to break that, you have to pay for it.
처음으로 현질했어^^ 5900원
I bought it for the first time ^^ 5,900 won.
현진이가 현질할 때 옆에서 뭐라했었는데
HYUNJIN said something when he was cashing in.
쉿 비밀이야
Shh. It's a secret.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
레벨은 현진이보다 높다구 ^^
My level is higher than Hyunjin ^^
밥 오는동안 얘기 나눌라고 했는데
I said we'd talk while the food was coming.
밥이 생각보다 너무 빨리 왔네
The food came too fast.
먹구 오께😍
I'll eat and come 😍
중식 시켰오
I ordered Chinese food.
밥 진짜 눈치없네
Bob, you're so tactless.
Yum yum.