2022 04 27 985

왜냐믄 남아있는게 중학교 때 친구들부터여서😂😂
Because I have friends from middle school. 😂😂

그리구 내가 이사를 워낙 많이 다녔어서ㅠㅠ
And I moved around so much.

나 인천 살았을 때는
When I lived in Incheon,

친구들이랑 맨날 즉석 떡볶이 먹으러 다니고
I always went to eat instant tteokbokki with my friends.

학교 끝나면 엄마한테 받은 용돈으로
With the allowance I got from my mom after school,

맥날가고 이랬는데..
I was going crazy.

그 때 진짜 잘 먹었어.. 신기할 정도로
I ate really well then. to the point of surprise

상하이버거 라지세트에다가 스낵랩까지 시켜서 먹고
I ordered a large Shanghai burger set and a snack wrap.

맥날 바로 밑에 엔젤리너스 있었거든
There was Angelinus right below McNarl.

햄버거 다 먹고 내려가서 허니브레드 먹고
I ate all the hamburgers and went down and ate honey bread.

그 때 네네 스노윙치킨에 빠졌을 때여가지고
It was when I fell in love with snow wing chicken.

학교 끝나고 집에와서 그거 1인 1닭 먹고..
After school, I came home and ate one chicken per person.

그럼 맨날 배불러서 저녁밥 안 먹으니까
I'm always full, so I don't eat dinner.

할무니가 이상한 어잉? 건강에 좋지도 않은 것들을 맨날 먹으니까 밥을 안 먹지!!!!!!!!!!
What's wrong with you? I don't eat because I eat things that aren't good for my health every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

이러면서 혼내고
I scolded him like this.

그 때 내가 아토피가 엄청 심했어가지고
I had really bad atopy then.

한번은 할머니가 너 맨날 기름진 것 만 먹고 그러니까 이거 안 낫는 거라고 병원 데리고 가서
Once, my grandmother took me to the hospital and told me that I wouldn't get better because I always ate oily things.

피검사랑 이것저것 했는데
I did a blood test and this and that.

의사선생님이 어.. 피검사해보니 음식으로 오는건 아니고 그냥 먼지 알러지라고 기름진 거 큰 상관없어여
The doctor said, uh... Blood tests show that it doesn't come as food, but it doesn't matter that it's oily because it's just dust allergy.

할머니 머쓱
Grandmother's embarrassment.

할: 기름진게 괜찮아요?
Hal: Is greasy okay?

의: 네^^
Yes. ^^


왜 우리 할머니 기를 죽이고 그래욧ㅠ
Why are you killing my grandmother's energy?

𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛
𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛

근데 진짜 신기한게
But what's really cool is that

내가 집먼지 알러지라 그러니까
I'm allergic to house dust.

우리 엄니가 맨날 이불빨고 엄청 깨끗하게 살았었거든?
My mom used to wash her blankets and live a clean life.

그래도 안 낫던 아토피랑 비염이였는게
But atopy and rhinitis that didn't get better...

It was this.

숙소생활 하면서 진짜 싹 사라졌어
It disappeared when we were living in the dorm.

그래서 느꼈지
That's why I felt it.

아.. 사람은 좀 적당히 더럽게 살아야하는구나
Ah... People need to live moderately dirty.

아빠도 맨날 내 피부보면 인상찡그릴 정도로 속상해하고
My dad always makes me frown when he sees my skin.

친척들도 가끔 명절에 보면 희진이 피부는 좀 괜찮아? 하면서 제일 먼저 걱정하고 이랬었는데
My relatives sometimes ask me if Heejin's skin is okay during holidays. I was the first one to worry.

어느 순간 싹 사라지니까 너무 신기한거야
It was so fascinating that it disappeared all of a sudden.

좀 사람은.. 더러운 환경에서 자라야.. 면연력도 생기구…
People need to grow up in a dirty environment. A cotton-pulling machine...

맞아 놀이터에서 흙도 좀 먹고
Right, we ate some dirt at the playground.

놀고 집에 들어와서 손 씻으면 검정물정도는 나와줘야..
If you come home after playing and wash your hands, at least black water should come out.

구름사다리 위에 걷다가 삐끗해보고
I slipped while walking on a cloud ladder.

정글짐에서 놀다가 떨어져보고
I played in the jungle gym and fell down.

정글짐이 없다니
I can't believe there's no jungle gym.

거기서 눈감고 술래잡기하면 꿀잼이였는데
It was fun to play hide and seek with my eyes closed.

맞아 나 좀 애기 때 꽤나 격하게 놀았었어
Right, I used to play hard when I was a baby.

한번은 초딩 때 운동장 가로질러서 뛰어가다가
When I was in elementary school, I ran across the field.

남자애들이 찬 축구공에 얼굴을 진짜 뽝!!!!!맞은고야
I got hit in the face by a soccer ball kicked by the boys.

애들 다 달려와서 야 너 괜찮냐고 미안하다고 이러는데
They all came running to me and asked me if I was okay and said sorry.

난 그 상황이 진짜 너무 웃겨서
That situation was so funny.

No lol it's okay lol don't pay attention lol

너무 웃겼지 하
It was so funny.