2022 04 22 904
중요한 스케줄 끝난 뒤에는
After an important schedule,
무조건 마라탕이나 떡볶이를 외치는데
I always say malatang or tteokbokki.
떡볶이는 말이지 거기 여왕국 스튜디오 근처에
Tteokbokki is near the studio of Queen's Republic.
맛있는 곳이 있더라고 심지어 24시야
There's a good place. It's even 24 o'clock.
그래서 우리 맨날 설레면서 가자나
So we were always excited.
여왕국 is 퀸덤
"Queendom is Queendom."
거기 좀 손혜주가 환장하는 맛집
It's a famous restaurant that Hyejoo loves.
어제 당연 먹었지
Of course I ate it yesterday.
김지우씨 먹다가 옷 소매에 묻힘
Kim Ji-woo got on his sleeve while eating.
옆에서 보던 맴버들 “으어ㅓ어ㅓㅓ어ㅓ!!!!!”
The members who were watching next to me were like, "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
나랑 김지우씨가 좀 팀에서 우당탕탕 담당이라
Kim Jiwoo and I are in charge of making a fuss.
나도 할 말이 헿헿헤
I have something to say. Hehe.
어제도 내가 테이블에 있는 내 아샷추 실수로 떨어뜨렸는데
Yesterday, I accidentally dropped my a shot on the table.
옆에서 손혜주가
Next to me, Son Hyejoo...
1일 1사고 ㅡㅡ
One accident a day --
He was like this.
아냐 근데 요새는 짘짜 1일1사고는 아님
No, but these days, it's not one accident a day.
아냐 7일 1사고..?^^
No, one accident in seven days?^^
그래서 그 아샷추 뚜껑이잇엇는데 사망햇서
So, there was a lid for "Ah-Shot Chu" and it died.
내꺼라 다행
I'm glad it's mine.
멤버들 반응??
The members' reactions?
걍.. 익숙하지 않을까
I think you'll just get used to it.
그게 만약 현진이꺼였다면?
What if it was Hyunjin's?
희: 오 야 진짜 미안하다 와 진짜 미안해 야 새로 시켜줄게
Hee: Oh, I'm so sorry. Wow, I'm really sorry. I'll order a new one for you.
현: 어어 갠차나 갠차나
YH: Uh-oh, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well...
(코에 힘을 잔뜩 주며)
(Put a lot of strength on your nose)
애옹팹 : 아 오빛 글쎄 희진이가 또
Oh, Orbit... Heejin...
This is it.(Laughs)Oh, my.(Laughs)
희진 팹 댓글상황: 애옹이와 완만한 합의 부탁드립니다
Heejin Fab Comment Situation: Please agree with the kitty.
늦잠자고 일어난 희진: 자 오빛 해명타임 갑니다.
Heejin who woke up after sleeping late: Okay, ORBIT's time to explain.
한국인의 98%는 말을 시작할 때 “아니 근데”로 시작한다
Heejin who woke up after sleeping late: Okay, ORBIT's time to explain.
어제 조하슬언니 금지어게임 했어
Yesterday, HaSeul played a banned word game.
조하슬언니 금지어: 약간
Jo HaSeul's forbidden word: Kind of...
나한테 뭐 설명하는데 김정은언니가 옆에서
She was explaining something to me and Kim Jong Unnie was next to me.
지금 ‘약간’만 8번 나왔다며
I heard "A Little Bit" came out 8 times.
그 약간 좀 약간 그런거 알지 약간
It's kind of like... You know, kind of...
내 금지어?
My forbidden word?
아 솨쉴 줴가 앟ㅎ
그래서 말할 때 더 진지해보인다는 정진솔언니의 평
Jung JinSoul's comment that she looks more serious when she speaks.
나중에 한번 제대로 해봐야겠다 금지어게임
I should do it properly next time. Forbidden word game.
아 최근에 밥 먹으면서 신서유기 훈민정음 게임하는 거 클립으로 봤었는데
I recently watched a clip of the "New Journey to the West" Hunminjeongeum game while eating.
너무 웃기더라
It was so funny.
그런 것도 해봐야게써
I'll have to try something like that.
나 근데 배고팡
But I'm hungry.
Mamma 😍
먹고 올겡
I'll be back after eating.
약간 맛있는거 그런거 알지 약간
It's kind of delicious. You know, kind of...
약간 먹고 약간 올게!
I'll eat a little and come back!