2022 04 20 882

근데 언제 한번은 친구들이 놀자는거야
But one time, my friends asked me to play.

아니 3일동안 시험보고 집 가서 잠을 자야지
No, I'm going to take a test for three days and go home and sleep.

놀자고 그러는거 뿌리치고 집을 갔거든?
I quit playing and went home.

근데 그 친구들이랑 집 가는 길 방향이 같았어
But the directions were the same with my friends.

근데 그 친구들이 갑자기
But all of a sudden, those friends...

내 팔이랑 다리를 붙잡고 끌고갔어
He grabbed my arms and legs and dragged me.

그 알지 사지 찢는 그 자셐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You know, the posture where you rip off the limbs.(Laughs) (Laughs)

그 자세로 끌려갔었지..
I was dragged in that position.

평소 같았으면 버둥대고 나왔을텐데
Normally, I would have struggled out.

그 전날에 하필 비가 와서 길바닥이 축축했거든
It rained the day before and the road was damp.

그래서 그냥 그대로 연행…
So I'll just take him...

그래도 재밌게 놀았지 !!! ㅋㅋㅋ
But we had a lot of course. LOL

친구네집 갔지
I went to my friend's house.

친구가 밥도 만들어주고 과일스무디도 만들어주고
My friend made me rice and fruit smoothie.

그 친구들이랑 연락 안하냐고?
Do I not keep in touch with them?

그 중에 한명이 희소식 걔야 걔..
One of them is the good news guy.

갑자기 추억여행…🌟
All of a sudden, a trip down memory lane.🌟

잠시만 그리고 그 내 과거사진 중에
Hang on. Among my past pictures,

눈 판다처럼 까맣게 하고 찍은 사진이 있는데
There's a picture that I took with my eyes black like a panda.

그게 무슨 날이였냐면ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
What day it was was...(Laughs)

그 날 할로윈이였엌ㅋㅋㅋ
It was Halloween that day lol

그래서 갑자기 친구들이랑
So suddenly, with my friends,

야 할로윈이니까 재밌게하고 학교 등교하자!
Since it's Halloween, have fun and go to school!

해서 아침에 다들 공원에서 만나가지곸ㅋㅋ
So I met everyone in the park in the morning.

다같이 분장하고
Let's all dress up.

친구들은 막 보드타면서 등교했어 한 5명이서
My friends went to school snowboarding. Five of us.

아침에 선도부가 서 있는데
The student council was standing in the morning.

당당하게 그 길을 가르며 질주
galloping along the road with confidence.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ선도부 쌤 한숨 쉬곸ㅋㅋㅋ
(Laughs)The student teacher sighed and laughed.

근데 우리 중학교가 규정이 워낙 빡빡했어서
But our middle school had strict rules.

아마 그날 벌점 받았을껄..?
I think I got a penalty that day?

(Laughs) (Laughs)

아 진짜 왜그랬짘ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Why did I do that?(Laughs)

근뎈ㅋㅋㅋ 담임선생님이 수녀님이셔서
But my homeroom teacher is a nun.

당장 얼굴 씻고 오라고 하셔서
They told me to wash my face right away.

단체로 화장실가서 세수하고 오곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
We all went to the bathroom and washed our faces.(Laughs)

아 진짜 재미따 중딩시절
It's so much fun when I was in middle school.

그리고 해명해서 속시원해
And I'm relieved that I explained it.

아니 같이 사진 찍은 애들 다 쏙 자르곸ㅋㅋㅋ
No, I cut off all the people I took pictures with.

고등학생 때는 아무래도
When I was in high school,

학교 사람들이 내가 연습생인걸 다 알아가지고
Everyone at school knew that I was a trainee.

뭐랄까… 난 또 나한테 너무 많은 관심이 오면
How should I say this? If I get too much attention from myself,

뭘 못 했엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
What did you miss?(Laughs)

I am shy

학교 축제같은 거 무조건 나갔었지!!!!!
I went to school festivals no matter what!

하지만 난 이제 연습을 가야해서
But I have to go practice now.

다음 시간에…
Next time...

(2부에서 계속….)
(To be continued in Part 2…).)

(Laughs) (Laughs)

나중에 또 올게!!!!!💖
I'll be back later!💖