2022 04 03 631

What are you doing?

hi hello
hi hello

난 회사에요
I'm at work.

English study~ 는
English study~ 는

숙소에서도 했더 오늘 ಠ‸ಠ
I did it at the dorm today. ‸ಠಠ

요즘 유튜브에 너무 잘 되있더라구
It's so popular on YouTube these days.

영어공부한다고 유료어플 13만원 결제했는데 ಥ_ಥ
I paid 130,000 won for the paid application to study English ಥ_ಥ

그것도 도움 받고는 있엃ㅎㅎ
I'm getting help with that, too.

우리 함께 영어공부해볼꽈 오빛둘 ㅎㅁㅎ
Let's study English together.

지금부터 english only
From now on, English only.

𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛
𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛 𐌅 𐨛

아 ㅇㅋ
Oh, okay.


No no don’t go
No no don’t go

plz don’t go
plz don’t go

k-orbit don’t leave me
k-orbit don’t leave me

힘들다… 그만하자
I'm tired... Let's stop.

Give up
Give up

Good game
Good game

좀 더 공부해올게
I'll study more.

The members...

오빛들이랑 재밌게 노는 방법을 알려줬어
I taught you how to have fun with ORBIT.

밸런스게임 하래
They want us to play a balance game.

그리고 무슨 희진..?고사?
And what HeeJin...? Test?

엽떡 vs 신전
Yupdduk vs Shinjeon.

Shinbjeon (Korean traditional pancake)

너무 브랜드인가?
Is it too much of a brand?


초고음 전희진 vs 초저음 박채원
Jeon Heejin vs Park Chaewon.

최저음 작채원
the lowest source of sound production

Park Chaewon

왜냐면 난 내 목소리가 좋아
Because I like my voice.

집에서 사라진 물건 알려주는 능력 vs 외출할 때 물건 깜빡하고 안챙기면 알려주는 능력
The ability to tell you what's missing from home vs the ability to tell you what's missing when you go out and don't pack.

와… 이거 어려운데
Wow... This is hard.

난 후자
I like the latter.

집에선 어떻게든 찾겠지 머
They'll find it at home somehow.

망고찌개 vs. 딸기덮밥
Mango stew vs. Rice with strawberries.


I'll go with rice with strawberries.

왜냐면 그 망고밥도 잇는 매뉴자나
It's because mango rice is connected to the menu.

오빛들 잠깐만 ಠ‸ಠ
ORBIT, wait a minute ‸ಠಠ

좀맘 기다려쥬
Please wait for me.

미안ㅠㅠ 오빛들 일이 생겨서 ㅜㅜ 가봐야할 것 같아
I'm sorry. ORBIT has something to do, so I think I have to go.