2022 03 29 591
오늘 하루는 어땠는지
How was your day?
먼저 얘기해죠
Let's go first.
바쁜 하루들이네ㅠ
It's a busy day.
나는 재밌는 하루였어!!!
I had a fun day!!!
열심히 메컵하고 헤어도 하고 갔는데
I had my hair and makeup done.
생각보다 일찍 끝나버려서 일정이
The schedule ended earlier than I thought.
화장 지우기가 너무 아깝더라 ㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠㅠ
It was such a waste to remove my makeup. Q.
맞아 사진 마니 찍었지 ಠ‸ಠ
Right, I took a lot of pictures ‸ಠಠ
맞아 오늘 립언니랑 비비언니가
Right, today, Lip and Bibi...
전시회 같이 가자구 했는데
I asked you to go to the exhibition with me.
너무 피곤해서 못 갔어
I was so tired that I couldn'
그리고 빨래 해야해서..ಠ‸ಠ
And I have to do the laundry.ಠ‸ಠ
빨래는 세탁기가 하지만
The washing machine does the laundry,
빨래 시간 끝나는 거에 딱 맞춰서
Just in time for the laundry time to end of the day.
건조기에 넣어주규
Put it in the dryer.
빠릿빠릿하게 해야지 옷이 뽀송하다구 ಠ‸ಠ
You have to make it quick so that your clothes are soft ‸ಠಠ
그리고 건조가 다 되믄 따뜻한 상태에서
And when it's almost dry, in a warm state,
하나하나 개주고
Fold them one by one.
얼마나 어려운 작업들인데!!! ಠ‸ಠ
How difficult these are!!! ಠ‸ಠ
옛날에 엄마가
A long time ago, my mom...
양말 꺼꾸로 벗지말라고
Don't take your socks off upside down.
엄청 뭐라해가지구 되게 잔소리 같았는데
He said something, so it seemed like a nagging.
While living in the dorm,
엄마의 잔소리가 이해가 되더라😂😂
I understood your nagging 😂😂
울 아빠도 맨날 말 안 들어서
My dad always doesn't listen to me.
엄마가 세탁실에서 맨날
In the laundry room, my mom always...
양말!!!!좀!!!꺼꾸로 벗지말라고!!!!!!!!!!
Socks! Please!Don't take it off upside down!
귓등으로도 안 들어 어?!?!?!?!?!
It doesn't even work on the back of my ear. Huh?!?!?!?!?
그래도 빨래 개주는건 자주 도와줬었어… 쭈굴
But I often helped him fold the laundry... crumpled
도와준게 아니지!!! 해야지!! ಠ‸ಠ
I didn't help you! I will!! ‸ಠಠ
왜냐면 나 수건 개는거 되게 좋아했거든
Because I really liked folding towels.
뭔가 다른 옷과 다르게 그 뭐랄까
Unlike other clothes, what should I say?
Is it a rectangle?
갤 때 마다 딱딱 들어맞는 그 각이 좋아서
I like the perfect angle.
What do you mean military constitution?(Laughs) (Laughs)
근데 내가 설거지는 진짜 안 좋아했거둥
But I really didn't like washing dishes.
그래서 둘째언니가 자주 했지..
So my second sister often did it.
난 용돈주면 했어
I did it if you gave me allowance.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
지금은 먹자마자 바로 하지 ಠ‸ಠ !
Right now, I do it as soon as I eat it ‸ಠಠ!
설거지 쌓여있는거 못 보겠더라고
I can't see the dishes piled up.
나는 설거지 바로 하는 사람들보다
More than people who do the dishes right away,
아침에 일어나자마자 이불 개는 사람들이 더 대단한 거 같아
I think people who fold blankets as soon as they wake up are more amazing.
어떻게 그러지?
How is that possible?
비몽사몽한데 어떻게 그걸 개?
How can you fold it when you're half-asleep?
근데 맨날 안 개서 또 혼났었지 엄니한테😂
But I got in trouble again because my mom didn't fold it all the time.
엄마 근데 이것만큼은 습관이 안 베요 먄
Mom, but this is not my habit.
오빛들 니지니 밥 머그류 가볼그ㅔ..
Orbit, I'm going to try rice mugs.
재밌었다 오빛둘💖
It was fun. ORBIT2💖