2022 03 26 557
오빛들 잠깐 놀고 있어!!!!!!!!
ORBIT, hang out for a bit!
오늘 무대보러 와 준 오빛들 너무너무 고마웡😍😍
ORBIT, thank you so much for coming to see our performance today. 😍😍
못 온 오빛들도 !! ಠ‸ಠ
Orbit who couldn't come! ಠ‸ಠ
긴장해서 실수 조금 했지만 (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
I made a little mistake because I was nervous (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
오눌 진짜 빨리 자야해ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Oh, I really need to go to bed early.crying
본 오빛들 스포 금지야 ಠ‸ಠ
Bon ORBIT are not allowed to give spoilers ‸ಠಠ
스포하는 오빛들 내가 찾아갈그양아
Orbit who gives spoilers, the sheep I'll go to.
찾아가서 떼찌떼찌 할그야
I'm going to go find him and say "Tzzi Tzzi".
(Laughs) (Laughs)It's counterproductive. 😂
오빛들도 늦었으니 얼른 자구 ㅠㅠ
Orbit, it's late, so hurry up and sleep.
외국오빛들은 좋은 하루들 보내고!!
Have a nice day for foreign ORBITs!!
빨리 하트 도배해줭
Hurry up and post all the hearts.
헤헤헤 기분 죠앙 😍 나이제 진짜 갈겡!!!!
Hehehe I feel good 😍 I'm really going to go now!!!!
굿모닝 굿모닝
Good morning. Good morning.
오늘 하루도 좋은 하루들 보내😍
Have a nice day today 😍
푹 쉬고 잘 잤지! ㅎㅎㅎ
I rested well and slept well! Hahaha
아침 7시 반인가… 퇴근했었오
Is it 7:30 in the morning? I got off work.
웅 출근하는 차들과 함께 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
With cars going to work, (Laughs)
그래도 푹 쉬었으니 걱정하지 말아요😍
But don't worry, I've had a good rest.😍
아침은 먹었어???
Did you eat breakfast?
나도 아직 ㅠㅠ 안 먹었는데
I haven't eaten yet either.
다들 밥 좀 거르지말고 챙겨묵어… ಠ‸ಠ
Everyone, don't skip your meals and eat... ಠ‸ಠ
메뉴 추천? 흠
Menu recommendation? Hmm
오늘 좀 날씨가 춥더라고??
The weather was a bit cold today.
내 사랑 (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) 주고 싶지만
I want to give you my love (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
뜨끈한 찌개!
Hot stew!
너무 무거운가??
Is it too heavy?
순찌 좋다 순두부찌개
Sun-chi sounds good. Soft tofu stew
나는 샐러드시켰어 파스타샐러드
I ordered a salad. Pasta salad.
그니까 지금 날씨가 춥지 않은 오빛들은 나랑 같이
샐러드 파스타 먹장
For ORBIT who are not cold right now,
Salad pasta eating sauce.
이따가 비와?!
Is it raining later?
하 멤버랑 밥 먹으러 갈까 했는데 포기인가 ಠ‸ಠ
I was thinking about going to eat with Ha member, but I gave up ‸ಠಠ
누구랑 먹을지는 모르겠는데
I don't know who I'm going to eat with.
단톡에 모집해볼까 했었엌ㅋㅋㅋ
I was thinking about recruiting in the group chat lol
아 여기에서 파워 E인게 보여지는 건가
Ah, can you see that it's Power E here?
근데 난
But I...
혼밥도 좋아해
I like eating alone, too.
아 그렇네
Oh, that's right.
오히려 I 들이 혼밥이 어렵겠구나
I thought it would be hard for them to eat alone.
아 아니야?!
Oh, it's not?
대박 이 세상 i오빛들 다 나오는중
Wow, all the I.O.B in this world are coming out
오히려 더 좋아하네?
You like it more.
맞아.. 편해 훨씬 뭘 좀 아는구나
Yeah, it's comfortable. You know something much better.
혼밥 가게들 많이 생겼음 좋겠다
I hope there are more restaurants to eat alone.