2022 03 24 534
거울셀카 찍고 있으면
When I'm taking a mirror selfie,
나도나도!!!!! 하면서 뛰어오는
"Me too! Me too! Me too!!" And run!
This month's address.
마지막 사진은 나 찍어달라했는데
They asked me to take the last picture.
호락호락하지 않은 박채원 ಠ‸ಠ
Not easy Park Chaewon ‸ಠಠ
이 찍어준사진
The picture that I took.
마지막 수영언니랑 하슬언니!😂
Lastly, Sooyoung and HaSeul!😂
ㅋㅋㅋ아니 퀸덤 너무 재미따 ㅋㅋㅋ
LOL. No, it's so much fun.
우리 진짜 퀸덤 나가는거 진짜 진짜 진짜로 몰랐어…
I really, really didn't know we were going out on "Queendom"...
우리 대기실 갈 때 기자님 인터뷰 간다고 해서 아무런 의심없이 갔었어…
When we went to the waiting room, I heard that I was going to interview the reporter, so I went without any doubt...
심지어 나랑 진솔언니는
JinSoul and I...
그 편지봉투보고 “우리 콘서트 끝났다고 치킨 기프티콘 선물인가?!😍”
I saw the envelope and thought, "Is it a chicken gift because our concert is over?"😍”
이러고 있었는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I was like this. (Laughs) (Laughs)
우리 소박해잉..치킨 행복
We're so...Chicken happiness.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
아 맞아 대면식 셀카 있어!!
Oh right! There's a face-to-face selfie!
근데 뒤에 매니저오빠 얼굴이 뙇 나와버려서
But the manager's face came out in the back.
가리고 올려주껭
Cover it and put it up.