2022 03 17 457
필터부터 옛날 감성 뿜뿜이짘ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
From the filter to the old vibe, it's full of old vibes.(Laughs)
아X로그 ㅍㄹ
Oh, I'm sorry.
나 많이 컸지
I grew up a lot.
아냐 근데 요즘도 맨날 얼굴 부으면
No, but even these days, when my face is swollen,
진솔언니가 오늘 왜케 애기 때 같냐~~~ 막 이래
Why does JinSoul seem like a baby today?~~ Like this.
저 분홍색 드레스 입었을 때 먼가
When I wore a pink dress,
그 뭐야 오로라…?
What is it? Aurora...?
잠자는 숲속의 공주 컨셉이였을거야
Sleeping Beauty concept.
현진이가 신데렐라인가 그랬고
HYUNJIN was like Cinderella.
그래서 너무 좋았어 😍
So it was so good 😍
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ표정이 졸렼ㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
LOL. Your expression is sleepy.T, T, T(Laughs)
(심취를 잘하는 편)
(He's good at getting immersed)
또 과몰입했네
I'm so into it again.
3,4번은 말괄량이…? 컨셉
Number 3 and 4 are tomboys...? Concept.
5번째는 기억이 안나구여
I don't remember the fifth one.
6번째는 뭔가
The 6th one is...
아이유 선배님 너랑나에 꽂혀있을 때 였는데 그 느낌나서 좋았구😍😍
It was when IU was hooked on you and me, and I liked it because it felt like that. 😍😍
7번째는 체리먹방쓰
Seventh is cherry eating show.
걍 연습실에서 먹다가 셀캌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I was just eating in the practice room and taking a selfie lol
8번째는 아마 저 때…
The 8th one is probably...
연습생 때 테스트 메이크업 받고
I got test makeup when I was a trainee.
집에 돌아가는 길
On my way home.
물 열심히 마실 때 였네
It was time to drink a lot of water.
물병이 1리터인 걸 보니
Seeing that the bottle is a liter long,
마지막 사진은 탐구에 잠깐 나온 적 있을껄?!
The last photo may have been on a short investigation.
저것도 테스트 촬영이였어!!
That was a test shot too!
한참 테스트 촬영할 때
During the test shoot,
너무 늦게 알았다고 아쉬워 말아여
Don't be sad that you found out too late
아직도 나 모르는 사람 많을그야 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
There are still a lot of people who don't know me ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
지금이 제일 빠른거일 수도 있다구 ୧(•̀ө•́)୨
Maybe it's the fastest one now.
오늘 그 퀸덤 사진 떴는데
The picture of "Queendom" came up today.
우리가 가운데에 뙇 있어서
We were standing in the middle.
기분이 넘나 좋아써 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I feel so good ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I have to do well..‸ಠಠ