2022 03 07 350

머야 나 이거 올라간줄 모르고 있었넹😂
I didn't know this was uploaded. 😂

해주 빨간머리 공개되었군
Haeju's red hair was revealed.

하슬언니랑 둘이 있으면 멤버들이 로사 로이라고 놀린거 얘기하고 싶었거든
I wanted to tell you that when I was with Haseul, the members teased me as Rosa Roy.

난 로사! 난 로이! 난 애옹이다 냐옹!
I'm Rosa! I'm Roy! I'm a kitty! Meow!

요새 트렌드를 적절히 활용한 머리
Hair that takes advantage of the trend these days.

블베의 선견지명
Blbe's foresight

아니.. 포켓몬빵 유행이자나 오빛들.. 그거 말고…
No... Pokemon bread is popular and ORBIT... Not that...

오빛들이 하도 포켓몬 포켓몬 거려서 괜히 하나 사먹어야 될 것 같자나
ORBIT kept talking about Pokemon, so I thought I should buy one.

하지만 내 시대는 포켓몬빵 보다 카카오빵이 짱이였다고 알어?! ಠ‸ಠ
But do you know that in my time, Kakao Bread was better than Pokemon Bread? ಠ‸ಠ

라이언의 치즈케익 모르면 말을 말어
If you don't know Ryan's cheesecake, don't talk.

그거 학교에 딱 하나 사가서 학교 우유급식이랑 먹으면
If you buy one at school and eat it with milk,

Oh my god.

요새 학교급식은 우유가 안나온다고..? 충격적
Milk doesn't come out in school meals these days? Shocking.

그럼 뭐가 나와..?
Then what comes out?

나 때는 말야 화요일날 초코우유를 먹기 위해 우유급식을 신청했었어
When I was young, I applied for a milk program to drink chocolate milk on Tuesday.

우리 학교는 그래도 금요일에 검은콩우유도 나왔었는데 그것도 진짜 맛있었거든
At my school, black bean milk was served on Friday and it was really good.

그래서 일주일에 두번이 행복했다 부럽지😍
So I was happy twice a week. You're jealous, right? 😍

지금은 흰우유가 제일 좋드라구요
I like white milk best now.