2022 02 27 253

이 노래 제목 아시는 분??
Does anyone know the title of this song?

호응하는거 우리 친척언니들 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Reaction from my relatives. (Laughs)

데굴데굴 도토리?? 아닌 것 깉은데
Rolling acorns? I'm telling you something that's not true.

난 이것만 들려 ‘두둥실 흘러가네~’
I can only hear this. "It's flowing."

그치 나 애기 때부터 표정 메소드연기
Right? Since I was a baby, my facial expression method acting.

친척언니들이 아직도 나 애기로 봐…
My relatives still think I'm a baby...

나 만나면 아직도 춤춰 달라그래.. 언니 나 23살인데…
If you meet me, you still ask me to dance. I'm 23 years old...

그럼 난 검색해서 보라고 하지
Then I'll search for it and see.

방금도 영상통화했는데 우쭈쭈 엄청 했다
We just did a video call, and you were saying "UZZZZZZZZ

웅 나 친가,외가에서도 파워 막내여가지고😂
Yes, I'm the youngest in my family and mother's family.

언니 오빠들이 아직도 애기로 봐 그건 확실해
They still think I'm a baby. That's for sure.

사실 난 어딜가나 막내였는데 팀에 들어오고 동생들이 생기니 되게 어려웠었지😂
Actually, I was the youngest everywhere, but it was very difficult when I joined the team and got younger brothers. 😂

내가 처음에 제일 어려웠던 멤버들 여진이 예림이 혜주 (동생들)
The members who were the hardest at first were Yeojin and Yerim. Hyejoo (Brothers)

동생들이 막 ‘언니 식사하셨어요?’ 물어보는데 어색해죽는줄
The younger members were asking, "Did you eat?" I thought I was going to die because it was awkward.

지금은 동생들 완전 편해졌지 ಠ‸ಠ
My younger brothers are so comfortable now ‸ಠಠ

김현진 해명타임 갑니다
It's time for HYUNJIN to explain.

현진이와 숙소를 n년간 같이 살며
I've lived with HYUNJIN for n years.

현진: 씻는거 가위바위보 하자!!!
Hyunjin: Let's do rock-paper-scissors to wash!!!

희진: 그래 가위바위보!!
Hee-jin: Okay, rock-paper-scissors!

(희진 이김)
(HeeJin wins)

(현진 그냥 욕실 들어가버리고 문 잠금)
(Hyunjin just went into the bathroom and locked the door)


저는 그렇게 매일 2빠였답니다..
That's how I used to be a second class every day.

본인은 기억을 못하는게 함정
The trap is that you can't remember.

단 한번도 먼저 씻은 적이 없어여 정말 여러분 ಠ‸ಠ
I've never washed up first, really everyone ‸ಠಠ

현진이~ 자꾸 이런 썰 풀어버리면~~ 내가 더 한 것도 풀어버릴테야~~~ 옐로카드~~~~~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hyunjin! If you keep telling me stories like this, I'm going to tell you even more!~~ Yellow card! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

여러분 지금은 많이 단단한(?) ENTJ 지만
Everyone, I'm a very strong ENTJ right now,

연습생시절 니지니는 소심해서 말 한마디 못하고 뒤에가서 눈물 훔치는 그런… 아이였답니다
When I was a trainee, I couldn't say a word because I was timid and went to the back and wiped away my tears. I was a kid.

현진이가 맨날 ‘강아지야~’ 하면서 왔을 때도
When Hyunjin always comes saying, "Puppy!"

맨날 어버버버 거렸었어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I was always stuttering. (Laughs)

참 어렸네여 씻는 순서가지고 싸우고
You were so young. You fought over the order of washing up.

연습생 시절 현진이는 탱탱볼같은 아이였죠 어디로 튈지 모르는 그런… 정말
HYUNJIN was like a bouncy ball when he was a trainee. I don't know where it's going to go... Really

그렇기에 현진이~~~너어~~~옐로카드야~~~~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That's why Hyunjin...It's a yellow card.~~~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ오빛ㅋㅋㅋㅋ지금은 탱탱농구공 아니냐몈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
LOL. Orbit. Isn't it a bouncy basketball now?(Laughs) (Laughs)

탱탱럭비공 인정
Taeng-Taeng-Rugby! I acknowledge that.

저는 으른이라 참죠
I'm an adult, so I hold it in.

제가 여러분 술마실 때 그러는게 아니라
I'm not like that when you're drinking.

인간적으로 다같이 모여서 즐거운 분위기인데
Personally, it's a fun atmosphere with all of us together.

‘한컵’만 마시고 혼자 빠져요 쇼파가서 앉아있어 막
I just drink "One Cup" and leave alone. I'm sitting on the couch.

그럼 (달소둥절)
Then... (Puzzled)

You know that?

자 니지니는 이제 끝
I'm done with Genie.

아 여러분 참고로 저 몸 괜찮습니다! 해명타임 가지느라 너무 늦었네요😂
For your information, my body is okay! It's too late to explain.😂

우리 오빛들 진짜 속상할텐데..
ORBIT must be really upset.

속상해하지말기! 미안해요ㅜㅜ 정말로
Don't be upset! I'm really sorry.

진짜 더 좋은 무대 보여줄게요! 약속해
We'll show you a better performance! I promise.

Don't worry.
