2022 02 19 183
우리 외빛들은 전휘혈이 뭔지 모를텐데
Our externals probably don't know what that is.
Who wants to explain?!😂
휘혈 is the best
Whistling blood is the best
worldwide you know?!?!
worldwide you know?!?!
어렵다 어려워…
It's hard, it's hard...
도와줘요 papago…
Help me, papago...
니지니는 점심으로 치즈 오믈렛을 옴뇸뇸 했어요
Nizini ate a cheese omelet for lunch.
아니지 점저로 왜냐면 방금 먹었거등
No, it's for lunch and dinner. Because I just ate it.
노노 케찹 노노노
No, no ketchup, no, no.
저는 케찹을 별로 좋아하지 않아요
I don't really like ketchup.
그래서 토마토 파스타도 별로 안 좋아하는 것 같앙
That's why I don't like tomato pasta.
소스는 와사마요 소스랑 옥수수콘드레싱!
The sauce is wasabi mayo sauce and corn dressing!
cream pasta is the best
cream pasta is the best