2022 02 13 91
다시 잠들고 지금 일어났어….
I fell asleep again and woke up now....
으앙 ㅠㅜ
아이스크림 시키려했는데 그것도 까먹고 잠들어버렸네ㅠㅠ
I was going to order ice cream, but I forgot that and fell asleep.
근데 아직 사둔거 많아.. 안시킬그양
But I still have a lot of things I bought. I won't let you.
나랑 정은언니 특징 ㅠ
Me and Jung Eun unnie's characteristics.
과자,간식같은거 잘 안 먹는데 자꾸 사둠
I don't really eat snacks or snacks, but I keep saving them.
와 맞다 오빛들 희진티콘 니지니가 만든거 하나 있어
Wow, that's right. ORBIT made HeeJinTicon NiJini.
바로 이거야 얼굴은 마음대로 바꿔 쓰세유~~~
This is it! You can change your face as you want!
복사를 못한다고??
You can't copy?
걍 점만 붙혀주면 돼요 별거업ㄱ져
I just need to put on a mole. It's a separate business.
It's kind of like this.
잘 만드는 사람 합격드립니다
If you're good at cooking, you'll pass.
잠에서 깬 니지니 £_£
Nizini woke up __£
오빛 희진티콘 최종합격 .ಠ益ಠ•
ORBIT HeeJin-Ticon. Final acceptance.ಠ益ಠ•
축하드립니다 🎉
Congratulations 🎉