2022 11 21 3766

난 싸이월드bgm
Cyworld BGM for me.

이바보 였음
I was a fool.

"저 싸이월드 bgm 다시만난세계"
"Cyworld BGM. The world we met again."


"나는 쉿🤫몽환의숲"
"I'm shh 🤫 Forest of Dreams"

Oh my god.

와 싸이월드 안한사람 꽤 있네
Wow, there are a lot of people who didn't do Cyworld.

"프리스타일 와이도 했었는데"
"I did freestyle WY, too."

이거 가사 써줄사람 하이라이트부분
Who wants to write the lyrics? The highlight part.

잠만 연습 나중에 하고옴
I'll practice later.


"나 이거 제목 25년만에 첨알앗어"
"It's been 25 years since I knew the title."

Oh, my.

나 이제 핸드폰 배터리 없당
My phone is running out of battery.

"써니힐 통화연결음 아시는분"
"Does anyone know the Sunny Hill call tone?"

난 두근두긍 조아해
I like "Pit's pounding.

또 머있지
There's something else.

나 한때 친구들 좋아보여 bgm 마니함
I used to like my friends bgm maniham

"리쌍 노래도 좋았는데"
"I liked the song, too."

오 매자 리쌍
Oh, my. Two pairs.

그냥 불러서 디게 신나보이네
You look so excited to just sing it.

헤어졌는데 너무 신나서 놀리는 느낌
It feels like we're making fun of each other because we broke up.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

이제 진짜 간다
I'm really going now.

Bye, bye.

오우 일찍 잠등었다가
Oh, I turned on the light early.go

이제 깸
I'm awake now.

"헐 다시 못자겠다 "
"I can't go back to sleep."

아니 난 잘수있어
No, I can sleep.



잉 그래사 축구 못봄ㅁ...
I can't watch English soccer.

근데 저번에 라떼 신발장이서 잔다고 했자나
Last time, I said I was going to sleep in the shoe rack.

내가 너래안부르고 누우니까 다시 들어오더라
I didn't call you and lied down, so you came back in.

얘기 했었나
Did I say that?

"라떼 음알못이네;;"
"You don't know how to eat latte."

(Laughs) (Laughs)

너네는 왜 다 안자
Why are you all sleeping?

"새벽세시 찍으려구"
"I'm going to film it at 3 a.m."

오늘도 새벽 3시~
It's 3am today, too.

"아 맞다 슈스룬 영상 언제 찍었대! 아직 보진 못했는데… 사진 넘 이뻐😍"
"Oh, right! When did they film the Super Star Run video? I haven't seen it yet... The picture is so pretty 😍"

헐 나도 아직 못보ㅓㅆ는데
I haven't seen it yet either.

"하슬이 실시간 얼굴 보고싶당"
"I want to see Haseul's face in real time."


"솔직히 말해 몇 장 찍고 건진거야"
"To be honest, I took a few pictures and got them."

Act 2.

"상여자특) 여러장 안 찍음"
"I don't take many pictures."

(Laughs) (Laughs)

2장 끝
The end of Chapter 2.

나 핸드폰화질이 왜케 안조치
Why isn't the resolution on my phone working?

"바꿀때가 된건가..."
"Maybe it's time to change..."

아니야 바꾼지 얼마 안됐엉ㅇ
No, it hasn't been long since I changed it.

"저거 폴드내부카메라로 찍은거 맞지??? 언더디스플레이 카메라 라서 화질이 안좋아 외부카메라로 찍는거추천👍"
"That was taken with Fold's internal camera, right? The image quality is bad because it is an under-display camera, so I recommend taking it with an external camera 👍"

외부로 찍었지롱
I took it from the outside.

이제 슬슬 자자
Let's go to bed now.

Good job.

(Singing "Bar Bar Bar")

오빛 정말 오랜만이에요... 오랜만인데 이런 소식을 들고 와서 뭐라 해야 할지 모르겠네요 기사 내용은 사실이고 저는 멤버들을 위해서 그리고 저 자신을 위해서 끝까지 노력할 거니까 많이 응원해 주세요..! 앞으로도 길고 힘든 싸움이 되겠지만 오빛들이 옆에 있어준다면 이겨낼 수 있을 거예요 그리고 정산에 대한 내용은 정산을 받았다는 추측이 많이 있더라고요 지금은 자세히 말씀드릴 수 없지만 그 부분은 사실이 아니라는 것만 말씀드릴 수 있을 거 같아요 우리 영원히 함께하고 꼭 행복해요 사랑해
Orbit, it's been a long time. It's been a while, but I don't know what to say to this news. The article is true. For the members and myself, I'll work hard until the end, so please support me a lot...! It's going to be a long and difficult fight, but if ORBIT is by my side, I'll be able to overcome it. And there are a lot of speculations that you got paid for the settlement. I can't tell you in detail right now, but I can only tell you that that's not true. Let's be together forever and be happy. I love you.

그동안 연락 못해서 미안해요
I'm sorry I haven't been able to contact you.