2022 11 15 3675

먹자마자 우리집옴
He came to my house as soon as he ate.

Mom, my!

LOL. So cute.(Crying)

다들 내 사진을 바라는데
Everyone wants my picture.

나 진짜 오늘
Today, I really...

친구가 찍은 이런거만 있음
I only have things like this that my friend took.

나머지는너무 쌩얼이라
The rest of them are too bare faced.


"헉 실시간??"
"Oh, real time?"


"진짜ㅜ다온단이 해달라는거 다해주넹😍"
"Seriously, Daondan does everything you want me to do. 😍"

I love you.

"쌩얼 이렇게 자신있게 올려주는 아이돌 흔치않다....(사실 이달소밖에 모름)"
"It's rare to see an idol who confidently uploads his bare face like this... (In fact, I only know LOONA)"

(Laughs) (Laughs)

이제 슬슬 자자
Let's go to bed now.

잘자 다온이들😍
Good night, Daon. 😍

Good night

"엥 하스리 왜 아직 안자? 뭐 고민있어?"
"Why aren't you sleeping yet? Do you have any concerns?"

이제 잘끄야
I'm going to turn it off now.

잘자 알라뷰
Good night. I love you.

나중에 내가 다온이들 선물줄게
I'll give Daon a present later.

It's a secret.

Good night

하 샤브샤브 또 먹고싶다
I want to eat it again.

"오늘 저녁도 샤브샤브에요??"
"Is it shabu shabu tonight too?"

No, I don't think so.

그냥 먹고싶어서
I just wanted to eat it.

"하슬이도 한 음식에 꽂히면 그것만 먹는 편인감?"
"When Haseul is into one food, he only eats that."

as soon as soon as possible.

내가 샤브샤브 야채를 조아해서
I like shabu shabu vegetables.

"그럼 최근에 꽂힌게 샤브샤브?? 다른음식은없엉??"
"Then what I'm into lately is shabu shabu? Do you have any other food?"

있어 초콜릿
There's chocolate.

원래 잘 안먹는데
I don't usually eat it.

난 다크 초콜릿은 못먹어
I can't eat dark chocolate.

으 너무 써
It's too bitter.

"초콜릿 브랜드는 어디꺼 제일 좋아해???"
"Which chocolate brand is your favorite?"

너무 여러균데야
There are so many germs.

킨ㄷ 가ㄴ 킷ㅋ
Kinder, go, go, go, go, go.

좀 다 달달한거
Something sweet.

아 페레ㄹㄹ쉐
Oh, Ferre-r-r-r-r-r-r. She.

이걸 제일 조아한다
I like this the most.

아직도 졸린 이유는 뭘까
Why am I still sleepy?

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 어제 늦게 잤죠?!"
"(Laughs) You slept late last night, right?"

마자 다섯시인가 잔득
Is it 5 o'clock? Jandeuk?

"나른한주말 오후라서?? 오늘날씨좋던데 산책추천👍"
"Because it's a lazy weekend afternoon? The weather was nice today, so I recommend you to take a walk 👍"

내가 낮에는 산책을 못해
I can't take a walk during the day.

비ㄷㄱ 땜에ㅔ
Because of B.C.

글자만 봐도 소름이여서 초성만 보냄
I got goosebumps just by looking at the letters, so I just sent the initial consonants.

그래서 낮에는 거의 안나가
So I rarely go out during the day.

"다른 새들은 괜찮아?"
"Are the other birds okay?"

웅 ㅋㅋ

"....소름돋을 단어가 뭐지"
"What's a creepy word?"

내가 무서워하는거
What I'm scared of.

ㅜㅜㅡㅜㅜ그만 말해ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Stop talking.

"여진이랑 같이 산책가는건 어때? 미팬 때도 여진이가 물리쳐줫잖아ㅜㅎㅎ"
"How about going for a walk with Yeojin? Yeojin defeated me during the fan meeting, too. lol"

와 나 그때 진짜 오열할뻔
Wow, I almost cried.

"I cried.(Laughs)"

(Laughs)That's right.

다들 이제 밥 먹으셈
Everyone, eat now.

"우리가 샤브샤브 대신 먹어요?"
"We eat shabu shabu instead?"

[Laughing out loud.

Bye, bye.