2022 11 11 3606
Go to sleep.
왜 안자 다들
Why aren't you sleeping?
라떼 산책하거
Taking a walk with Latte.
그냥 뒹굴뒹굴중
I'm just rolling around.
"선배는 모바일겜 하는거 있어??"
"Do you play any mobile games?"
No way...
아 그거 해봤어 갱비스트?
Have you tried Gang Beasts?
닌텐도 스위치로 친구집에서
I used Nintendo Switch at my friend's house.
"아... 닌텐도 없는 다온단은 웁니다 ㅠ"
"Oh... Daondan without Nintendo cries. (T)"
나도 없쪄
I didn't have one either.
"다온이들이 닌텐도보다 재미있게 놀아줌👍"
"Daon has more fun than Nintendo👍"
"하슬언니가 가장 좋아하는게 뭐얌?"
"What is Haseul's favorite?"
"테트리스 잘해?"
"Are you good at Tetris?"
너네 깜짝놀래
You're going to be surprised.
우리 엄마아빠가 나 어릴때 게임기로 테트리스 했어가지구
My mom and dad played Tetris with a game console when I was young.
그거보고 그대러 컸어
That's how you grew up.
"테트리스99 닌텐도에서만 할 수 있긴 한데 백명 모여서 한명 남을 때까지 하는 게임이야 이거 진짜 잼써"
"You can only play Tetris 99 on Nintendo, but it's a game for 100 people until one person is left. It's really fun."
나 이거 친구 닌텐도로 작년?에 7등까지 가봄
I went up to 7th place with my friend Nintendo last year.
"두분이 테트리스로 대결한거에요?"
"Did you two play Tetris?"
웅 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Yes (Laughs)
엄마한테 물어봤는데
I asked my mom.
아빠가 더 잘했데
My dad did better.
"동생분이랑 테트리스하면
누가 더 잘해유?"
"When I play Tetris with my brother,
Who's better?"
동생은 게임 아에 안할껄ㄹ???
My brother won't play games.
"하슬이는?? 집에서 몇 등 정도해??"
"Haseul? What rank are you at home?"
내가 1등이지
I'm the winner.
"테트리스 너무 어려워 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잘하는 분들 보면 한줄만 빼놓고 채우고 긴걸로 깨고 그러시던데"
"Tetris is too hard. (Laughs) When I see people who are good at it, they take out one line and fill it up and break it with a long line."
당연하지 ㅋ
Of course.
"에이~ 게임 안하는 남학생이 어딧서"
"How could a boy who doesn't play games?"
아 실망
I'm disappointed.
"집 지붕에 슬로건 ㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋ"
"Slogan on the roof of the house haha"
엄마가 해놔ㅛ어 ㅋㅋㅋ
My mom made it lol
"인형 뺏으려고 하면 아르르르르 하나요 그냥 순순히 내주나요"
"If you try to take the doll away, do you just give it away?"
"근데 이름 앞에 a는 왜 붙인 거야? 검색하기 쉬우려고?"
"Why did you add "a" in front of your name? To make it easy to search?"
"그거 고정하면 항상 위에 있지 않나?"
"Isn't it always on top when you fix it?"
뭔가 고정은 굳이...
I don't really need to fix it...
가사 몰라서 실패
Fail because I don't know the lyrics.
"마지막 힘없이 으ㅓ 이렇게 끝나는구 웃기네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"It's funny how it ends like this without any energy. (Laughs)"
*"마멜같인 노래 하나 더 내줬으면 좋겠어요…
아 이제 곧 더 캐롤의 계절이라서 이맘때에 늘 친구들에게 더캐롤 뮤비 영업중이에요 ㅎㅎ"
"I want you to release another song that's like a marshmallow...
Ah, it's The Carol season soon, so I'm always selling The Carol music videos to my friends at this time of year."*
이거 원래 캐롤메들리에 있었는데
This was originally in the carol medley.
어찌저찌하다 빠졌어
It fell off somehow.
"언니가 이렇게 맨날 노래불러줘서 너무 좋아요🥹"
"I'm so happy that you always sing for me.🥹"
"평생 노래해줄거지 하슬아"
"Haseul, you're going to sing for the rest of your life."
"에휴...ㅜㅜ 그래요 소극장에서 볼수 있을때까지 당신팬할게요"
"I'll be your fan until I can see you at a small theater."
"평생 우리도 다온단 할거야"
"We'll be here for the rest of our lives."
이제 자자
Let's sleep now.
잘자 다온이들
Good night, Daon.
"웅니 밥먹어써요?"
"Woong, did you eat?"
곧 먹으려궁
I'm going to eat soon.