2022 10 29 3506

수영이 꽃 만들어주고 있을때다
It was when Sooyoung was making flowers.

나중에 배워보려고
I'm going to learn it later.

이거 플립댓 자켓촬영장!
This is the set for Flip That album cover!

"이거 모르면 달의일기 안본사람임"
"If you don't know this, you haven't read the diary of the moon."

(Laughs)I agree.

"배운가 아니였어..? 달의일기 보곤 배운줄 알았는데..? 안배운거 치곤 너무 잘하는데..!?"
"Didn't you learn...? I thought you learned it from the diary of the moon. You're so good at it, considering you didn't learn it."

그냥 느낌대로 하는거지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I just do what I feel lol

"하슬이 꽃꽂이 배우면 가장 먼저 누구 선물 하고싶어..??"
"When Haseul learns to arrange flowers, who do you want to give first?"


"하동이랑 가족들 멤버들 주고 나서 우리도 선물해주라"
"Give it to Hadong, family, and members and give it to us."

a bad cold

나중에 동생학교 축제때 하고싶다
I want to do it at my younger brother's school festival.

열심히 일해야지...
I have to work hard...

(진솔이 축전영상 보거 갑자기 생각남)
(Watching JinSoul's congratulatory video suddenly reminded me of it)

노래하고싶어 덩생네 가서
I want to sing there.

"모교 가서 해야징"
"I'll do it at my alma mater."

우리 모교 나 말고도 아마 있을텐데
I'm sure my alma mater has more than me.

"이하이님 있구나"
"There's Lee Hi."

마잡....내 중학교 선배님!
Marjab... My middle school senior!

"Haseulsi 💚💚💚💚"


"💚하슬시🕊💚하슬선배님 사랑합니다💚"
"💚 Haseulsi 🕊💚 I love you. I love you.💚"


"Princess Haseul 💚"


"Haseulsi 💖"


"💚사랑둥이 하슬시💚 오늘도 좋은 노래 불러줘서 고마워💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚"
"💚 Lovely Haseulsi💚 Thank you for singing a good song today, too. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚"


"Haseul Sunbaesi💚💚💚💚💚💚"


"하슬아 치킨 드쉴? 😘😘😘😘"
"Haseul, are you going to eat chicken? 😘😘😘😘"

난 후라이드가 좋아
I like fried chicken.

"+ 사달라는거 아님 붙여요"
"If you don't want me to buy it, put it on."

헉 사달라는거 아님
I'm not asking you to buy it.

사달라는갸 아님ㅁㅁㅁㅁ
Do you want me to buy it for you or...

왜 그렇게 생각하지?????
Why do you think so?

just 취향
Just preference

하슬이 취향입니다
It's Haseul's taste.

원래 치킨 잘 안먹었는데
I didn't really eat chicken.

후라이드가 맛있긴 하더라고
Fried chicken is delicious.

"치킨 vs 피자"
"Chicken vs pizza."

난 피자 사달라는거 아님
Pizza for me. I'm not asking you to buy it.

"하슬언니가 가장 좋아하는 음식은?"
"What is Haseul's favorite food?"

김치전! 사달라는거 아님
Kimchi pancake! I'm not asking you to buy it.

"(Laughs)You don't have to keep doing it lol"


"그럼 나 사줘"
"Then buy me one."

흠 고민좀
Hmm, let me think.

"어떤 피자를 제일 좋아해요?"
"What's your favorite pizza?"

고구마 피자
Sweetpotato pizza

"김치 좋아하시네요 김볶, 김치전..."
"You like kimchi. Kimchi fried rice, Kimchi pancake..."

the end of the son of a son.

"고구마 무스 vs 슬라이스 고구마 피자"
"Sweet potato mousse vs sliced sweet potato pizza."


"파인애플 피자는..?😀"
"What about pineapple pizza?😀"

저는 불호...
I don't like...

"하와이안피자가 얼마나 맛있는데 ㅠㅠ"
"Hawaiian pizza is so delicious."

'이달의소녀 하슬 파인애플피자 불호 논란'
"LOONA's pineapple pizza controversy."

"입맛이 가장 잘맞는 멤버는 누구야?"
"Which member has the best taste?"


최근에 내가 김치찜 맛있는곳 추천해줬는데
Recently, I recommended a good place for kimchi jjim.

입맛이 아주 딱 맞았지 뭐야
It was perfect for my taste.

"어머니가 가장 잘하시는 음식은 뭐야? 궁금해"
"What is your mother's best food? I'm curious."

엄마 김치찌개👍
Mom, kimchi stew 👍

"꿀맛 돼지고기 듬뿍"
"Lots of honey-flavored pork."

근데 나는 김치만 먹어
But I only eat kimchi.

"청문회 감이야.. 실망해써 ㅠㅠ"
"It's like a hearing. I was disappointed."

Oh my.

오빛도 다 무사하죠?
Orbit, are you okay?

걱정하는 댓글이 많이 달려있네
There are a lot of worried comments.

나는 일찍 잠들었었어
I went to bed early.

오빛들도 무사하다니까 다행이다..
I'm glad ORBITS are safe too.
