2022 10 28 3499
힝 하수리는 집이 됴아여
Hing Ha Soo Ri's house is Dia.
*"애교부리네 ;;;;;
고맙다 "
"You are acting cute ;;;;;;
Thank you."*
(Laughs) (Laughs)
"그렇게 애교한다고 다온이들이 좋아할 줄 알았다면 오예입니다"
"If you knew Daon would like it because you act cute, it's Oh Ye."
(Laughs) (Laughs)
나 지금 몇분동안 팹만 하는중ㅇ
I'm just fabbing for a few minutes.
"팹하면서 느낀건
팬분들에게 진심인거👍"
"What I felt while I was doing the fab...
"Fan ID" said,
Being sincere to the fans 👍"
나 좀 쉬고올게
I'm going to take a break.
다들 충전하고 와
Everyone, charge it.
Bye, bye.
근데 나궁금한거이ㅛ어
But I'm curious.
내가 댓글을 달면
If I leave a comment,
사진에 떠?
Does it come up in the picture?
"아 응 핑크딱지 뜸"
"Oh, yes. Pink tag moxibustion."
아 이거이거
Oh, this, this.
오키 이해완료~
Okay, I got it.
항상 잠들기전에 생각이 제일 많은거같아
I think I always have the most thoughts before I go to sleep.
다들 공감 눌러줘
Press "Agreed".
"팹에 공감이 있어?"
"Can you relate to Fab?"
아니 없어
No, I don't.
다온이들의 걱정과 나의 걱정을 다 모아서
Gathering Daon's worries and my worries,
우주 밖으로 던져ㅕ버리자
Let's throw it out of space.
"Empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy."
"보니까 하슬이 살짝 답정..너 기질 있구나요.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"Haseul is a bit determined...You have a temperament. (Laughs)"
아니 나 답장 짱 빠른데
No, I reply really fast.
아 잠만 헷갈림
Hold on. Confused.
아니야 미안
No, sorry.
이거 이불킥이다 잠만
This is a blanket kick. Hold on.
안읽씹 인줄
I thought you didn't read it.
아 왜 헷갈렸지
Why did I get confused?
메세지 삭제해두댐?
Do you want me to delete the message?
"감성적이다가 갑자기 웃겨지는 하슬이 팹"
"HaSeul's fashion that suddenly gets funny after being sentimental."
You're going to be drunk.
창피하니까 자야겠다
I'm embarrassed, so I should sleep.
a man of ability
"이러고 새벽에 팹옴"
"And then Fab came in at dawn."
오늘 새벽엔 안올수도
Maybe he won't come this morning.
I'm sleepy.
Bye, bye.
나 진짜 잘께
I'm really going to sleep.
오빛 평생 내옆에 있어 ㅜㅜㅜ
Orbit, stay with me forever.
I love you 😍
사탕해 다 어디서 본거여
It's candy. I've seen it somewhere.
아니 댓글에 갑자기 사탕해가 엄청 달려서
There are a lot of comments saying "I love candy".
What are you talking about?
뭐여 왜 나만 안알려줘
What? Why don't you tell me?
"그거 공카에 이벤트 올라왔어
오빛들 사탕해 한사람 누군지 맞추는ㅋㅋ
그래서 다들 한명씩 찔러보는중인가봐"
"The event was uploaded on the official fan cafe.
ORBITs are so sweet. Guess who it is.
Maybe that's why everyone's poking at each other."
왜 나 떠봐?????
Why do you open my eyes?
흥 나 떠봐서 이제 영상 안올림
I'm so excited that I won't upload videos anymore.
이러고 결국은 올림
And eventually, from the top.
"오늘은 뭐 올려줄거야~"
"What are you going to post today?"
몬나 말 안해줌
I won't tell you.
"언니 점심 맛있는거 먹어용~~"
"Unnie, eat something delicious for lunch~"
포테토칩 먹을꺼야
I'm going to eat potato chips.
Yum yum.
"한 입만~"
"Give me a bite."
Ang-daeng. (Pun in Korean)
어제 마니 먹어서 오늘 배가 안고파
I ate a lot yesterday, so I'm not hungry today.
뭔지 알쥐
I know what it is.