2022 10 14 3355
노래 시작전에 연습시키고 할꺼에요
I'm going to make him practice before the song starts.
온라인 팬들도 소리지르는거 안들렸어요
I couldn't hear the online fans screaming.
다들 부끄러워하먄 앙대야
Everyone's embarrassed.
오빛 오늘도 나에게 힘을줘ㅓㅓㅓㅓㅓ!!!!!
Orbit, give me strength today, too.That's too much.!!!!!
그럼 내가 다시줌!!!!!
Then I'll give it to you again!
콘서트 오는 오빛들
ORBIT who are coming to the concert.
You know, right?
"같이 부르기 ㄱ?"
"Shall we sing together?"
이거 시킨다
I'm going to order this.
오빛! 콘서트 끝나고 팹에 온 댓글 편지 읽느라 시간이 늦어졌네요
오늘 소감을 너무 정신없이 말한 거 같아서
옥빛한테 더 해주고 싶은 말을 적어보려고 해요
콘서트 하는 동안 오롯이 우리를 바라봐 주고
우리 무대를 즐겨줘서 정말 고마워요
이 사랑을 어떻게 갚아야 할지 모를 정도로 고마워요
어제오늘 오빛이 준비해 준 도시락도 먹고 무대에서 힘도 얻고 팹으로도 계속 응원해주고..!!
그냥 나만 힘을 얻어 간 거 같나...라는 생각이 드네요..ㅎ
나는 항상 무대에 서면 정말 행복해요
투어 하는 동안에도 무대에서 서 오빛 함성소리를 들으면
온몸에 전율이 돋고 순간 제가 구름 위에 떠있단 기분이에요
아픈 것도 잊을 정도로 행복하고 그 순간에 항상 진심이었습니다
나를 보며 이 무대를 즐겨주는 당신들이 정말 좋습니다:)
세상 누구보다 내가 사랑해요 오빛
Orbit! I was late because I was reading the comments on Fab after the concert.
I was too busy saying how I felt today.
I'm going to write down what I want to say to Okbit.
Thank you for watching us during the concert.
Thank you for enjoying our performance.
Thank you so much that I don't know how to repay you for this love.
Yesterday and today, I ate the lunch box that ORBIT prepared for me, gained strength on stage, and continued to support me through Fab..!!
I feel like I'm the only one who gained strength.Hah!
I'm always happy when I'm on stage.
When I hear ORBIT's cheers on stage during the tour,
I got goosebumps all over my body and I felt like I was floating on clouds.
I was so happy that I forgot that I was sick. I was always sincere at that moment.
I really like you guys watching me and enjoying this stage :)
I love you more than anyone else in the world. Orbit
마지막에 너무 많이.울었던거같아서
Too much at the end.I think I cried.
나한테 던져줬던 슬로건도 잘 모아서 부모님이랑 친구들 나눠줬어요 ㅎㅎ
I collected the slogans and gave them to my parents and friends. Haha
예쁜 슬로건 고마워요
Thank you for the pretty slogan.
"슬로건 던지고 싶엇는데 멤버들 맞을까봐 못던진건 안 비밀 :) "
"I wanted to throw the slogan, but I didn't because I was afraid the members would get hit. :)"
조금 위험하긴해..ㅎ
It's a little dangerous.Hah!
온라인으로 본 오빛들도 느꼈을지 모르겠는데
I don't know if ORBIT felt it when they saw it online,
Was it Pay Blue Dot?
The pollen...
너무 많아서
There are so many.
애들 다 깜짝 놀랬자낰ㅋㅋㅋ
Everyone was surprised.
"하슬앙 여기 오빛들 회식왓는데 쏘왓 뮤비나와서 다들 울고잇어ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅜㅜ"
"Haseulang, ORBIT are here for a company dinner, and everyone is crying because the music video of Sawat came out."
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ나 영통걸고싶다
(Laughs)I want to make a video call.
그리거 동생 b에 있었는데 본 사람도 있는듯 ㅎ
And I was in my younger brother B, and I think there are people who saw it.
"맞아 가방 열어놨더니 꽃가루 잔뜩이더라"
"Right, I opened my bag and it was full of pollen."
"사실 어깨야 몇달 전부터 아프던거고 리허설 송출때도 최대한 아끼는 모습에 기대감보단 걱정이 먼저였던게 사실인데 그럼에도 불구하고 최선을 다하는 모습에 큰 감동을 받았어.
버터플라이 무대보면서 나도 못참고 왈칵했지 뭐야...
늘 받은 사랑 어떻게 갚아야 할 지 모르겠다고 하지만
이렇게 열정을 다하는 모습을 보여주는데 내 사랑을 어떻게 아낄 수 있겠어...😭😭😭"
"In fact, my shoulders have been hurting for months, and I was worried before anticipation because I cared as much as I could during the rehearsal, but I was very moved by his best performance.
I couldn't help but burst out laughing while watching Butterfly's performance.
I always say that I don't know how to repay the love I received.
How can I cherish my love when you show me all your passion...😭😭😭"
고마워....리허설때는 최대한 안써야 본공연때 더 잘할수있을거같아서!!
오빛들이 걱정할까봐 리허설때도 그냥 해버릴까 고민했었으...
Thank you... I think I can do better at the actual performance if I don't use it during rehearsals as much as I can!
I was worried ORBIT would worry, so I thought about just doing it during rehearsals...
"B플로어 2열에
머리길고 가죽자켓에 넥타이 맨
되게 친절하신 남성분 계시던데
하슬리더 동생분인가요?"
"In row 2 of the B floor,
Long hair, leather jacket and tie man.
There was a very kind guy.
by any chance
Is that Hasilder's brother?"
No, it's not at all.
"혹시 빡빡인가요"
"Are you bald?"
아니야 ㅋㅋㅋ
No, it's not.
내가 덩생 발견하고 손가락으로 막 가르켰는데
I found it and pointed it out with my fingers.
"하슬이 동생분 안경쓴분 마찌"
"Haseul's younger brother is the one wearing glasses."
as soon as soon as possible.
"하슬이랑 동생분이랑 닮았어? 남매한테 닮았다고 하면 보통 싫어하긴 하던데"
"Does Haseul and his brother look alike? People don't like it when they tell their siblings that they look alike."
응 시러함
Yes, I don't want to.
"그럼 밖에서 내가 본 사람 동생 맞는둣 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ부모님 옆에 가만-히 서있었는데 귀여우셨어~><"
"Then you're the younger brother of the person I saw outside. (Laughs) (Laughs)I was standing still next to my parents and they were cute.><"
아는척 해보짘ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I'll pretend to know.(Laughs) (Laughs)
일단 오빛도 얼른자요
Orbit, go to bed.
내가 라식을 한 이유
The reason why I had LASIK surgery.
콘서트때 오빛 얼굴 잘 보고싶어서
I wanted to see ORBIT's face well at the concert.
렌즈끼면 난 잘 안보이더라고
I can't really see it when I wear contact lenses.
오늘 일단 자고!!! 나중에바ㅏㅏ!!!!
Let's go to sleep today! Later!!!!
Allahu. (Allahu)
그리고 오늘 나는 소년소녀 조금 아쉬움ㅁ...
And today, I'm a little disappointed in boys and girls...
너무 갑자기.다시 나타나ㅛ네
It's so sudden. It's back again.
그냥 너무 떨리기도 해ㅛ거..
I'm just so nervous.
"자려고 누웠다가 이불킥하고 팹 키신거임?"
"You lied down to sleep and then you kicked the blanket and turned it on?"
약간 그런 느낌인듯
It's kind of like that.
중간에 인이어가 약간 이상해ㅛ어서
My in-ear monitor was a bit weird in the middle.
막 만지는데
I was touching it.
순간 어떡하지 라는 생각ㄱ이
For a moment, I was thinking, "What should I do?"
"헐 너무 잘해서 눈치도 못챘어"
"He was so good that I didn't even notice."
그럼 다행ㅇ
Then, I'm glad.
아직 내 무대 모니터 모ㅛ함
I'm still monitoring my performance.
마음 을 좀 진정시키거
Let's calm down.
내잉 볼래
I want to see it.
"ㅠㅠ 어떤 무대에도 아쉬움은 늘 남는거지.. 하 진짜 음색도 너무 좋고 듣는 내내 너무 좋았어 걱정마 👍"
"어떤ㅠㅠ I always have regrets on any stage. Ha! The voice tone was so good and it was so good the whole time I listened to it. Don't worry 👍"
마자 어떻게 하든 아쉬움이 남엉ㅇ...
No matter what I do, it's still disappointing.
진짜 잔다ㅏㅏ
I'm really sleeping.