2022 10 09 3315
"손톱 붙여서 하면은 기타는 어떻게 쳐요? 못치는건가🤔"
"How do you play the guitar if you stick your nails together? Can't I play it? 🤔"
마자 이게 단점이야..ㅎ 그래서 기타 안친지 백만년
That's the downside.So it's been a million years since I played the guitar
"진짜 흰머리 오목눈이 같다..."
"You really look like white hair with concave eyes."
"하슬 공주시 임니다💚"
"It's Princess Haseul.💚"
"💚하슬시🕊💚하슬선배님 사랑합니다💚저녁 먹었어?? 💚"
"💚 Haseulsi 🕊💚 I love you. I love you.💚 Did you have dinner? 💚"
근데 다들 시간 어떻게 딱
But everyone... How did you know the time...
맞춰서 오는거야
They're coming in time.
Set an alarm?
나도 그럼
Me, too.
9월은 생일이 없네
There's no birthday in September.
엽떡 먹고싶다
I want to eat Yupdduk.
혼자 먹기엔 양이 너무 많다
It's too much to eat alone.
배는 안고픈데
I want to hug my stomach.
엽떡 먹고싳음
I ate Yupdduk and got sick.
과연 하슬이는 어떤노래를 하까여~?
What song will Haseul sing?
무슨노래를 연습했을까욤
What song did I practice?
"비욘세언니 노래인가여?ㅋ"
"Is it Beyonce's song?(Laughs]"
(Laughs) (Laughs)
사실 저 영상의 노래는
Actually, the song in that video...
콘서트곡이 아닙니다~
It's not a concert song.
그냥 목풀려고 연습 겸 찍어둔
I just filmed it to warm up my voice.
It was a video.
내가 전에 찍어논 영상을 하나 찾았는데
I found a video that I filmed before.
좀 오글거려서 안올리고
It's a bit cheesy, so I won't upload it.
I put it there.
조금 더 고민해보고
I'll think about it a little more.
365 불렀는데
I sang 365 days.
온젠가 올라가겠지~~
The temperature will go up.