2022 10 04 3275


이제 안경이랑 작별인사 할꺼야
Now I'm gonna say goodbye to my glasses.

알빼고 쓰면되자나
I can take out all the eggs and use it's okay?

슬퍼하지마 여러분
Don't be sad, everyone.

"도수때문에 눈 크기 와리가리하는게 귀어움인데..."
"Because of the prescription, it's cute to tell the size of your eyes..."

에이 나 그정도는 아님2~
No, I'm not that bad.

"근데 집에서 잘 안나간다 그랫잖아... 그럼 집에서 저렇게 착장하구 셀카찍어주는거야?? "
"But you said you don't go out of your house often. So you're going to take a selfie wearing that outfit at home?"

아니 오늘은 특별히 좀 꾸며봤어...하하
No, I specially decorated it today...Ha ha.

잠깐 동생만나가지구
I met my younger brother for a second.

My younger brother...

아빠가 빔프로젝터 사줬다고
My dad bought me a beam projector.

자랑하면서 카톡왔는데
I got a message while bragging.

왤케 짜증나냐
Why is it so annoying?

(Laughs) (Laughs)

혹시 몰라서
Just in case

동생한테 허락받고 올린거야
I uploaded it after getting permission from my brother.


어뜨케 다들 프사를 빨리 확인하지
How can everyone check their profile pictures?

장조림이 핫하네
Jangjorim is hot.

아마 예전에 닉네임이 장조림이였나
I think my nickname was jangjorim.

물어보고올께 기다려바
I'll ask you and come back.

자 여러분
All right, everybody.

프사에 올림
From your profile picture.

내 동생이름 너무 유명해졌다
My brother's name has become so famous.

어쩔수없지 머
It can't be helped.

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그 전화하는 콘텐츠에서 동생 이름을 너무 찰지게 불렀어"
"(Laughs) (Laughs) I called my sister's name so well in the phone call content."

와 나 그거 동생이름 말 안하려고 노력했는데
Wow, I tried not to say my brother's name.

결국 말하게되더라고...ㅎ
I ended up saying...Hah!

"하슬이 라떼톡에서 친구이름도 불렀자나 괜차나~~~~"
"Haseul called his friend's name on Latte Talk. It's okay."

그니까 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Because it's him. (Laughs)

나 갑자기 생각난건데
It just came to my mind.

립이랑 브이앱 했었자나 미국에서
I did a V LIVE with Lip in the US.

그때 나 걍 쌩얼이였다
I was just bare faced then.

아 입술은 발랐어
Ah, I put on lipstick.

회사에 화장했다고 뻥치고 해버렸지 머야
I lied to the company that I had makeup on.

It's a secret.

뭐야 다 알고있었젆아
What? I knew it.


날씨가 갑자기 많이 쌀쌀해졌네
It's suddenly gotten a lot colder.

감기 조심해 오빛
Be careful not to catch a cold, ORBIT.