2022 09 10 3048

"Would the thermal flower have disappeared?"

It's gone.

"꽃길만 걷게해준다면서 본인이 열꽃길을 걸으면 어떡해..."
"How can you walk on the flowery path when you say you'll only walk on the flowery path?"

Oh, my.(Laughs)Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

"라떼 간식 얼마나 주시길래 여진이가 공연에서 그랬대요?"
"How many latte snacks did Yeojin say that at the concert?"

여진이가 그날 나한테 오늘 마이멜로디 엔딩때 기대해 그랬는데....
Yeojin told me to look forward to my melody ending that day...

"간식 많이주면 사료 진짜 잘 안먹어..?"
"If I give you a lot of snacks, you really don't eat dog food?"

흡 라떼는 잘먹던데...
I can drink it well.

"How's your shoulder?"

I don't care.Oh my god.

"하슬이 보고 싶은데 프사 하슬이로 바꿔줄사람"
"I miss Haseul. Who wants to change to Haseul?"

딱 30초 해볼께...지금 찍어서
I'll do it for 30 seconds.I'm filming it now.

Let's go.

그 팹 배경....해보려고햄ㅅ는데 할줄몰라...
That fab background... I'm trying to do it, but I don't know how to do it.

아니 애들은 다 했더라구...?
No, they all did it.

어머 나도 콘서트 사진으로
Oh my! With concert pictures, too!

머야 언제했지
When did I do this?

분명 멤버중 누가 같이 해줬을꺼야
I'm sure one of the members did it together.

"동생시켜서했다구 했잖아"
"I told you I did it because you asked me to."

아 그러네
Oh, that's right.

근데 동생 같이 없어서
But I'm not with my younger brother.

"당사자보다 팬들이 더 잘 아는 이 상황ㅋㅋㅋ"
"This situation where the fans know better than the person involved lol"

(Laughs)Go, go, go, go, go, go.

"그 톱니바퀴 같은 버튼을 누르시고 배경 이미지를 누르시면 교체 가능합니다. "
"You can replace it by pressing the cogwheel-like button and pressing the background image."

감사해요 팹아저씨......😂👍
Thank you, Mr. Fab... 😂👍

오 이거 글씨도 써지네
Oh, I can write letters.

"근데 프사.... 아직 30초 안지난거지?"
"But my profile picture... It hasn't been 30 seconds yet, has it?"

이미 다 봤을텐데 머...귀찮네..ㅎ
I'm sure you've already seen it.It's annoying.

"런칭 7개월만에.......... 이제야....... 우리 바부....💚"
"Seven months after the launch... Now... our Babu...💚"


"프사 실시간이야?"
"Is this real time profile picture?"


"갑자기 장현이는 지금 뭐하려나 궁금하네"
"I'm suddenly curious what Jang Hyun is doing right now."

몰라...어제 통화하고 연락 없ㅇ엉
I don't know... I talked on the phone yesterday and there was no call.

혹시 알보칠 발라본사람....?? 그거 마니 아파..?
Has anyone tried albocil...? Does that hurt a lot?

"안 아프다고하는 사람 다 거짓말이야"
"Everyone who says it doesn't hurt is lying."

(Laughs) (Laughs)

"염라대왕 이랑 하이파이브 하고 올수 잇어"
"I can do a high five with the god of the underworld."


"구내염때문이면 아프니벤 큐가 더 좋은거같아"
"If it's because of canker sores, I think it's better if it hurts."

오 굳
Oh, good.

"구내염 생겼어요....? 아푸겠다"
"Do you have a canker sore...? It must hurt."

한번에 4군데나 생겼지 모야
Four at a time, Moya.

"난 아프니벤 큐 효과 없었엉 ㅠㅠ 아프타치 정이라구 붙이는거 있는데 그게 난 더 효과 좋았어!"
"I didn't have the AfniBenque effect. There's an appi-tachi-jeong thing that I put on and it worked better!"

Oh... hard...

염라대왕 하이터치면 그냥 자연치유를....
If you hit the king of the underworld, it's just natural healing...

"역시.. 모를뗀 초록창보단 오빛이지 🌟"
"As expected... Orbit is better than the green window with the hat removed 🌟"

(Laughs)Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

"알보칠 일주일 아플 거 하루만에 다 아프다던데? 아픈만큼 빨리 낫는대"
"I heard you're going to be sick for a week. He'll get better as soon as he's sick."

근데 집에 없어서 사러ㄱ가야대...
But I don't have it at home, so I have to go buy it.

이럴때 동생이 집에있으면 참 좋은데
It'd be nice to have a younger brother at home at times like this.

"여진아 올때 알보칠🌟"
"Yeojin, when you come, Albochil🌟"

Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol.(Laughs) (Laughs)

"유럽산 알보칠ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"European albochil lol"

(Laughs) (Laughs)

동생한테 카톡했는데 답이 없네
I texted my brother, but he didn't answer.


"하슬이 동생도 하슬이 팹 열어??"
"Haseul's younger brother also opens Haseul's fab?"

내가 팹을 하는지 알까..?
Do you know if I'm a fab?

"동생은 최애멤버가 누구래요?"
"Who's your favorite member?"

하 너무 자주 바꼈엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나중에 브이앱으로 한번 풀어주지
Ha, it changed too often.(Laughs) I'll release it on V LIVE later.

"그 후보중에 하슬이도 있겠지?"
"Haseul is one of the candidates, right?"

난 없지...
I don't have one...

집에 알약같은거 있어서 먹으려고
I have pills at home, so I'm going to take them.

근데 이거 녹여먹는건 아니겠지..?
But you're not supposed to melt this, are you?

검색하거 올께ㅔ..ㅎ
I'll come back to search.Hah!

그치 삼키는고겠지ㅐ...
That's right. It's probably swallowing...

괜히 잇병이니까 녹여먹는줄..ㅎ
I thought I was melting it because it's "it" disease.Hah!

"다행이야ㅠㅠㅠ 피부병이면 발랐을거아니야"
"That's a relief. If it was a skin disease, I would have applied it."

ㅋㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱ에이그정도는 아니얔ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. It's not that bad.(Laughs)

루미너스 사진 더 찾아보겠움
I'll look for more pictures of Luminus.

다들 검은색옷 조아하네
Everyone likes black clothes.

사촌동생이 길걷는데 아이유 선배님 콘서트 드론을 봤다고 연락이 왔다...
My cousin was walking on the street and got a call saying that he saw IU's concert drone.

I'm jealous...

다음 콘서트는 나도 꼭...
For the next concert, I will also...