2022 08 31 2964


나...살짝 화장한거야...
I... I put on a little makeup.

그래도 오랜만에 올리려구...
I'm going to post it after a long time.

"왠지~~!!! 어~~!!밍숭맹숭까진 아니고 약간 맹숭정도더라~~!!!!"
"For some reason! Oh!It's not like that, but it's kind of like that."

(Laughs)Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

"클렌징할 귀찮음을 감수하고 화장하고 사진 찍어 올림 당신,,,, 정말 최고의 아이돌"
"You put on makeup and took pictures at the risk of the hassle of cleansing, and you are the best idol."


"어깨는 괜찮은거지??😥😥😢"
"Is your shoulder okay?😥😥😢"

보호대 레벨업.했음
Guard level up.done

"어깨 고정해둬서 채팅도 한손으로 쳐?"
"Do you keep your shoulders fixed and chat with one hand?"


그래도 나름 오타 많이 안내려고 노력중ㅇ
But I'm trying not to make a lot of typos.

"삐행처럼 음성으로 타자 치는 거 하자"
"Let's type with our voice."

멤버들한테 이렇게 보냌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Send it to the members like this.(Laughs)

난 탑건본다
I look at the tower gun.

See you.

It's a pimple.

오빛 좋은하루 보내👋
Orbit, have a good day 👋

"탑건 재밌었어? ㅋㅋ 그렇게 보라고 계속 얘기했었는데 😆"
"Did you enjoy Top Gun? Lol I kept telling you to watch it like that 😆"

It's so much fun.