2022 08 18 2794
고마워 오빛ㅊㅊㅊ💚💚
Thank you ORBIT. 💚💚
달플리 비하인드도 언능보여주께
I'll also show you the behind-the-scenes of Dalpley.
이동한다고 정신이 없었다 ㅜㅜ
I was so busy moving. ㅜㅜ
ps 엄마아빠 사진 허락받고 올린거임
I uploaded it after getting permission from my mom and dad.
4년동안 내곁에 있어줘서 고마워
Thank you for being with me for four years.
내가 많이 사랑해
I love you so much.
내일은 뉴욕에서 콘서트 하는데
We have a concert in New York tomorrow.
다들 두근두근하지?!!
You're all excited, right?
꽃길은 진짜 녹음하는데 굉ㅇㅇㅇ장히 어려웠어
It was so hard to record "Flower Road".
가사 전달을 잘해야겠다 생각하몀서 하는데
I should deliver the lyrics well. I was thinking about it.
뭉클해서 어렵더라고
It's hard because it's touching.
난 이제 잘끄야야ㅑ
I have to go now.
치토스는 수영이 사다준거야ㅑㅑ 나는 앙먹어
Sooyoung bought me Cheetos. I bite.
나는 감자칩 샀어
I bought potato chips.
오늘 공연도 모두모두 행복하게
I hope everyone is happy at today's concert.
마무리 하길💚
Wrap it up 💚
꽃길 비하인드
Behind the scenes stories about the flower path.
왜 업로드가 10시였을까요?
Why was it uploaded at 10?
하스리 태어난 시간?
The time when Hasri was born?