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나는 이모티콘을 썼는데 물음표로 올라갔네...
I used an emoticon, but it went up to a question mark...


This is...

난 밥먹었어
I ate.

거기서 생일 축하노래더 불ㄹ렀너
I sang more happy birthday songs there.

삼겹살 먹엇엉
I ate pork belly.

이르긴한데 그냥 불러버렸어 ㅋㅋ
It's early, but I just sang it lol.

나 만약 브이앱하게되면 그냥 내가 킬수있는시간에 킨다..?
If I do Vlive, I just turn it on when I can turn it on..?


머리색 나중에 무슨색해볼까
What hair color should I try later?

파랑은 했으니까 제외
I did blue, so exclude it.

생각보다 핑크가 많네..??
There's a lot more pink than I thought.

지금이 완전 금발일껄ㄹ
She's completely blonde now.

초록...ㅎㅎ 과연 예쁠까...
Green... Will it be pretty?

오키....나도 열심히 생각해봉께...
Okie... I also think hard...

내일 콘서트도 홧팅
Fighting for tomorrow's concert!

나에게 힘을줘
Give me strength.

Charge it.

오빛 우리 멤버들 스탭분들 아무도 다치지않고 행복하게 마무리하게 해주세요
ORBIT members, staff members, please make sure no one gets hurt and ends it happily.

조하슬 생일 해시태그


Haseul's birthday hashtag.

Haseul, I'll listen to you forever.

난 내노래 들어줄때가 제일 헹벅해
When I listen to my songs, I always toss and turn.

그...들어달라는게 나를 들으라는게 아닌건 알지..?ㅎ
You know... you don't want me to listen, do you?Hah!

자꾸 업어준다는 사람들이 있네?ㅎㅎㅎ
There are people who keep saying they'll carry me on their back.Hahaha


노래는 생일 축하노래도 좋고 나한테 불러주고싶은노래도 좋고

이거는 과제


I like happy birthday songs or songs that I want to sing for myself.

This is homework.

오빛들이 하슬이 생일에 뭐했으면 좋겠는지!!! 뭐 먹었으면 좋겠는지!!!! 도 얘기해주라 🥹

오빛들이 내 생일날 가족들이랑 같이 밥먹었으면 좋겠어 내 생일이여서 라기 보단 그냥 누군가 태어난날에 자신을?되돌아보며 부모님하고 밥 먹었으면 좋겠어
What do you want ORBIT to do on Haseul's birthday? What do you want me to eat? Tell me about do 🥹

I hope ORBIT can eat with my family on my birthday. It's not because it's my birthday, but on the day someone was born, I hope you look back on yourself and eat with your meals with your parents.

부모님하고 거리가 멀다면 아침에 전화라도 한통 드리기로 약속
If you're far from your parents, I promise I'll call you in the morning.

난 이제 갈께
I'm leaving now.

내일을 위하여
for tomorrow


잠안와 심심해
I can't sleep. I'm bored.

잔소리 폭탄....
Nagging bomb...

내일 내.생일이야????
Tomorrow is my birthday?

이번년도처럼 실감안나긴 처음
It's the first time it hasn't hit me like this year.

일단 자려고 노력해보께...
I'll try to sleep first...


I love you 💚

난 정말 행복한 사람이야
I'm a very happy person.

한국은 늦었는데 언능자고
It's late in Korea, but it's not working.

콘서트오는 오빛은 조금만 기둘려~~
Orbit coming to the concert, please wait a little bit.

그 나 브이앱킬껀데
I'm going to turn on V LIVE.

일단 인터넷 확인하는중ㅇ
First, I am checking the internet.

I'll keep it short...

다등 많이 놀러는군
Everyone's hanging out a lot.

다들 새벽까지 나랑 놀아줘서 고마워요...💚
Thank you all for hanging out with me until dawn...💚

나도 잠깐 낮잠!!!
I'll take a nap too!

Good night.