2022 07 05 2018

로제파스타 vs 알리오 올리오

로제 더 좋아하는데 지금은 알리오옹리오 먹고싶다
Rose pasta vs aglio e olio.

I like rose more, but now I want to eat aglio e o o o o o o o o o o.

카페인음료 vs 비카페인음료

비카페인 카페인 짱 약함
Caffeine drinks vs non-caffeine drinks.

Non-caffeine. Caffeine is really weak.

보쌈 vs 족발

둘다 안좋아해
Bossam vs Jokbal. (Steamed pork feet)

I don't like either of them.

치킨 순살 vs 뼈

흠 뼈를 잘 못바르니까 숭살??
Chicken boneless vs bone.

Hmm... Because I can't put on bones well. Soongsal?

피자 치즈 추가 vs 치즈 크러스트

Pizza with cheese vs cheese crust.

Fizz is here.


타임오버 끝ㅌ!!
Time over! The end!

다 이제 점심먹고
We all ate lunch.

영양제도 챙겨먹고
Take nutritional supplements.

바람처럼 사라지고 불꽃처럼 나타날께
I'll disappear like the wind and appear like a flame.



Bbyong!Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes.


나 진짜 한개만 물어보고갈께
Let me ask you one question.

검색해도 잘 모르겠어서..
I don't know even if I search for it.

팅글이 뭐야..?
What's Tingle?

asmr 에서 막 그러던데
Asmr said this.

ASMR 들으면 막 간질간질 뭔가 기분좋은 느낌💚

When I listen to ASMR, it tickles and feels good.💚


여러분 이거래요
Everyone, it's this.


나때문에 다 하나 배웠지?????
You learned one thing because of me, didn't you?


다시 바람처럼 사라질께
I'll disappear like the wind again.



나 7시에 브이앱하는데 놀러올사람
I'm doing Vlive at 7pm, who wants to come over


나 브이앱하려고 화장도 했어
I put on makeup to do V LIVE.

모하냠 다들
What are you all doing?

나는 빙수 먹었다
I had shaved ice.

키링걸이랑 진돌이랑 아기사과랑 먹었어
I had a key ring, a jindol, and a baby apple.

너네는 왜 안자냠
Why aren't you sleeping?

다 라떼톡 공지봤죠???
You all saw the Latte Talk notice, right?

사연 기대합니다^^
I'm looking forward to your stories.^^

미국가기전에 할껍니다~
I'm going to do it before I go to America.

잘자~ 내일봐~💚
Good night! See you tomorrow!💚

mbti 문항바꼈다해서
I changed the MBti question.

다시 검사햇당
Checked again.

프사에 올리면 볼수있겠지???
If you post it on your profile picture, you can see it, right?

I did it.

마자 isfj
That's right. Isfj.

isfj-t 나왔엉
ISFJ-T came out.

다들 이제 잘준비.하나
Everyone, get ready to sleep.One.

나도 누웠당
I'm lying down too.

오루골은 내가
I'm going to play the Orugol.

바로 올릴껨
I'll upload it right away.


낼봐 귀염둥이들❤️
Give it to me cuties ❤️