2022 06 29 1906
오빛 오늘 정말 오빛덕분에 받을수있는 1등이였어...사랑해 내사랑 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ💖
Thanks to ORBIT, we were able to win first place today.I love you my love ㅠㅠㅠ사랑💖
나 라식하려구 했는데 안경낀걸 오빛이 너무 조아하네 헿
I was going to get LASIK, but ORBIT loves wearing glasses.
오빛도 얼른자
Orbit, go to sleep.
우리 내일 엠카도 꼭 챙겨보고
Let's make sure to watch "M Countdown" tomorrow.
사랑해 오빛ㅊㅊㅊㅊㅊㅊ
I love you ORBIT.J, j, j, j.
오늘 의상 약간 스포
Today's outfit is a bit of a spoiler.
profile picture
Nice to meet you.
사녹했는데 갈수록 오빛 목소리가 커지고있어
We pre-recorded it, but ORBIT's voice is getting louder.
좋아 굳
Good. Good.
I'm hungry.
사녹전에 분명히 밥 먹었는데...
I definitely ate before the pre-recording...
김치찌개 목었어
I choked on kimchi stew.
진솔이가 이삭먹자는데
JinSoul is saying let's eat Isaac.
이삭 먹어야2ㅣㅎㅎㅎ
You have to eat Isaac 2ㅎㅎㅎ