2022 06 15 1670

뭐야 다들
What's going on?

나 저녁 뭐먹지
What should I eat for dinner?

나랑 뭐 같이 먹고싶어
You want to eat something with me.

샐러드 먹을까
Should I eat salad?

흠 혼자라서 양도 애매하네
Hmm, I'm alone, so it's hard to tell the amount.

샐러드 닭다리살 파스타 샐러드
Salad. Chicken leg meat pasta salad.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

오빛 오늘 플립댓 본방사수서우어으엉
Orbit, please watch "Flipped That" live today.

나는 ㄷ대기중얌
I'm waiting.

플립댓 사진은
Flip that picture...

고르고있어....조금만 기다려주...😍
I'm choosing...Please wait a little bit...😍

주간아 림보는 나중에
"Weekly Idol" will be aired later.

브이앱하거나 할때 알려주께
I will let you know when I do vlive or something

오빛 우리 챌린지 찍어서 올릴꺼지???
Orbit, we're going to film a challenge and upload it, right?

아 이미 계획중이라구????
Oh, you're already planning?

그냥 뒤집고싶은거 듀ㅣ집으면서 찍어서 올려두대
"Just take a picture of what you want to flip and upload it."

전 뒤집어두되고
I'll turn it upside down.

딱지도 되구
It's also a scab.

자꾸 밥상 뒤집는다는 오빛 많은데
There are a lot of ORBIT who keep turning the table upside down.

밥상은 앙대구여^^^^
The table is Ang-Daegu ^^^^

하슬이 속도 뒤집으면 앙대여^^^
If Haseul reverses the speed, it's too much. ^^^