2022 06 11 1602
이얼굴로 올리는게 맞나 싶었지만
I wondered if it was right to put it up in the earlobe,
당신들을 유ㅣ하여
I'm going to use you guys.
그래서 이젠 배고프다
So I'm hungry now.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
Dinner menu recommendation.
피자 맛있게/÷*
The pizza is delicious.
닭갈비 볶음밥ㅂ 맛있겠다
Dakgalbi fried rice. Sounds good.
일단 사과주스를 하나 마셔야겟어
First, I'm going to drink an apple juice.
Fat apple juice.
비싸서 애껴먹어야대
It's expensive, so I'm going to have to eat it.
저래놓고 맛있어서 멈추지 못해
But it's so delicious that I can't stop.
김은쪽이 팹에 내 사진을 올렸더군???
Kim Eun posted a picture of me on Fab, right?
아니 차에서 자고있었는데
No, I was sleeping in the car.
립이가 갑자기 팹에 사진 올렸다해서
Lip suddenly posted a picture on Fab.therefore
뭐 올렸지 하며
I thought about what I posted.
불안해 하며 봤는데
I was nervous.
나도 프사 바꿨다
I changed my profile picture, too.
저거 언제지....엄청 오래전은 아니야
When was that?Not a long time ago.
탈색하고 바로 찍었을때얌
When I bleached my hair and took it right away.
ㅋㅋㅋ다음엔 마스크 안쓴 사진으오
LOL. Next time, I'll take a picture without a mask.
Oh, my dear.(Laughs)
오빛 나도 사진이랑 막 올리고싶은데
Orbit. I want to post pictures and stuff.
아무리 찾아도 사진이 1도 옶네
No matter how hard I look for it, no matter how hard I look for them.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
아 엄마아 어제 뿌요뿌요 먹는사진 보냐줬는데
Mom, you asked me if I saw the picture of eating Puyo Puyo yesterday.
그거 보여주까
Should I show you that?
사진보고 너무 귀여워서 놀라지마
Don't be surprised at the picture because it's so cute.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ기절한다 반 안한다 반이네
(Laughs) (Laughs)I'm going to faint. I'm not going to fall in love. It's half.
아 나 오빛한테 물어보고싶은거 있었는데
I wanted to ask ORBIT something.
헤어 스타일링 보고싶은거 있는사람ㅁㅁ
Is there anyone who wants to see my hair style?
현재 사과머리오ㅏ 웨트헤어 굉장히 파격적인 제안이 왔어
Right now, there's a very shocking proposal for apple hair.
나 사과는...한번도 안해봤는데...
I don'I've never done it before.
무...무대때말고 나중에 생각해볼께..ㅎㅎㅎ
I'll think about it later, not on stage.Hahaha
뿌까도 많이 나오네
There are a lot of Pucca too.
흠 일단 알겠스1니다
Well, first of all, I understand.
굉장리ㅜ많은 스타일링이 접수되었습니다
A lot of styling has been received.