2022 06 01 1452
K, T.(Laughs)
미안 내가 너무 노골적이지...
I'm sorry. I'm being too explicit.
이달의소녀 투표할때 띄어쓰기하면 앙대...?
If you space it out during LOONA's vote, what?
Oh my god.
!!!!!이달의소녀 띄어쓰기 금지!!!!!!
No space between LOONA and LOONA!
이거 공지글이야
This is an announcement.
나 무대가 중요하지만 그래도 오빛들도 이렇게 열심히 투표도 해주고 응원도 해주는데 순위도 좋으면...좋으니까...ㅎㅎ
Performance is important for me, but ORBIT is voting and cheering for me. If the ranking is good...Because it's good...
아 나 순위 아에 신경안썼는데에에ㅔ엥ㅇ
I didn't care about the ranking.
오빛이 자꾸우어우어우우웅
Orbit keeps crying.
나는 꼴등해도
Even if I'm last,
우리 이달의소녀 엄청 대단한팀이다
LOONA is an amazing team.
이거만 알면
If you know this...
It's worse.
오빛이 퉤퉤퉤하래...퉤퉤퉤...
Orbit told me to take it back...Spit, spit, spit...
자야되는데 잠이안오넹
I have to sleep, but I can't sleep.Yes.
잘자 오비 ㅣ이이잉
Good night. Obi-ing.
아까 낮잠자서 잠안와ㅏㅏ
I can't sleep because I took a nap earlier.
내일 방청오는 오빛들 우리노래 환호성 마니 해줘야대
"Orbit who will come to the audience tomorrow, please shout out our song".
응원법을 만들었어????
Did you make a fan chant?
내가 정보가 너무 느리군ㄴ..
My information is too slow.
Sorry, sorry.
못오는 오빛은 방에서 소리질러~~~
Orbit who can't come, scream in your room!
잠만 나 응원법 보고오께
Wait a minute. I'm going to check out the fan chant.
오케 접수
Okay, got it.
다들 집에서도 열심히.응원법
Everyone works hard at home.The fan chant.
Let's do that.
그럼 난 다시 잠들기 도전
Then I'll go back to sleep.
다들 잘자구
Good night, everyone.
응원봉이랑 황금망토 세트인거 알지??
You know it's a light stick and a golden cape set, right?
사랑해 잘자😍
I love you. Good night 😍
응원봉 흰색으로 통일해주세요!!!!!!!🔥🔥
Please make the light stick white!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🔥🔥