2022 05 13 1224

저때 진짜 연습으로 찍었던거라서 좀 아쉽네 헿
It's a shame that I filmed it as a practice then.

연습영상은 엄청 많으니까 나중에 천천히 풀어야게땀
There are a lot of practice videos, so I'll sweat slowly later.

팹 영상길이 너무 짧아염~~~~@팹
Fab video length is too short.~@Fab

나중에 더 길게해서 올려주껨
I'll make it longer and post it later.

나눈 그냥 있어ㅓㅓ
I'm just sharing it.

나 신전 떡볶이 먹구잇엉
I'm going to eat Shinjeon Tteokbokki.

로제로 먹는쥰ㅇ
I'm eating Rosé.

혼자 먹는중
Eating alone.

루카 보묜서 먹는중
Luca is eating something.

디즈니 영화!
Disney movies!

나두 처음봐 ㅋㅋ
It's my first time seeing it, too.

야구 보면서 먹을까했는데
I was going to eat while watching baseball.

볼까 마까
I don't want to see it.

어제 이겼는데 ...지금 스코어만 보는중ㅇ
I won yesterday...I'm just looking at the score.

핸드폰으로 야구 틀고 티비로 애니메이션 틀었어 ㅋㅋ
I played baseball on my phone and animation on TV.


애니보다가 갑자기 함성소리나면
If you hear cheers while watching animations,

어어억 하고 중계봤더가
I was like, "Oh my gosh" and watched the broadcast.

그러고 중계보다가
And I was watching the broadcast.

애니에서 소리나면 애니보다가
If there's a sound in the animation, I watch the animation.

근데 배부르니까 졸려ㅕ
But I'm sleepy because I'm full.

야구방 모여
Gather up at the baseball room.