2022 05 04 1078
난 홈런칠거라규 느꼈어
I felt like I was gonna hit a home run.
다른팀 상황도 알려주면...난 쥬아 헤헿ㅎ
Tell me about the other teams.I'm Jua hahaha
역전 가즈아ㅏㅏ
Let's go to the station.
이제 응원가 진짜 잘들린다
I can hear the cheer really well now.
Two Out
순간 숨참았다
I held my breath for a second.
아 투아웃이 아니구나
Oh, it's not two out.
가자가자 오늘도 이기자ㅏㅏ
Let's go, let's win again today.
아 투아웃에 투수교체네
Two outs and a pitcher change.
Let's go, let's go.
Okay, okay.
이번에 점수내자
Let's score this time.
whether it's individual or individual.
와 야구장 팬들 진짜 많다
Wow, there are so many baseball fans.
아 뜬공ㅇ
Oh, flying ball.
I don't care.
기아의 김선빈안타 오오오오오
Kia's Kim Sun Bin hit! Oh!
하 역시
As expected.
안타 오오오옹~~~
Hit! Oh!
나 고등학생때부터해서 기아타이거즈 유니폼 진짜 많은데 ㅋㅋ
I have a lot of Kia Tigers uniforms since I was in high school.
집에 찾으면 많을껄 ㅋㅋㅋ바람막이 이런것도 있구 ㅋㅋ
There will be a lot if you find it at home. There are also windbreakers.
우승했을때는 야구를 못봤어 ㅠㅜ
I didn't watch baseball when I won.
It's spring.
I'm sleepy.
바로 안타 나와버리는구먼
You got a hit right away.
와 오바
Wow, that's too much.
나 잘래
I'm going to sleep.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
1점은 괜찮아
1 point is okay.
우리가 다음에 2점 낼꺼야 ㅎㅎ
We'll score two points next time.
낮잠 자구파
Self-help group.
기아 없이는 못살아~~~
I can't live without Kia.~~
정말정말 못 살아~~
I really can't live.
밤에 자기전에 자는건
Sleeping before going to bed at night...
나한텐 낮ㅈ..잠...
For me, it's low... Sleep...
나 갑자기 말 없으면 잠든걸꺼야
If I don't talk all of a sudden, I'll be asleep.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
배붗러서 잠와 ㅋㅋㅋ
I'm sleepy because I'm full.
집밖으로 좀 나가고 해야되는디
I need to go out of the house.
나 옷이 아직도 다 긴팔만 있어
I only have long sleeves.
요즘엔 뭐입어..?
What do you wear these days?
아 여기.야구방이지
Oh, here. It's a baseball room.
나중에 물어보께
I'll ask you later.
다들 생각해노ㅑ줘
Everyone, think about it's time to play.
자고 일어나니 3대5로 끝나있었다
When I woke up, it was three to five.
내일은 이기잡..!!
Tomorrow, this...