2022 04 26 961
내가 맨날 반지를 빼지 않던 이유!!!!!
The reason why I didn't take my ring off all the time!!!!!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아 오빛 이제.약간 엄청 마니쓰네???^^^
(Laughs)Oh, Orbit. Now.It's kind of very Mani-ttttttttttttttttttt?^^^
반지 엄마랑 백화점에서 지나다가다 맘에들어서 샀는데
I was passing by the department store with my mother. I bought it because I liked it.
지금 기스도 많이 나고해서 새로 살까 약간 고민중
There are a lot of scratches, so I'm thinking about buying a new one.
다시사도 오빛 세겨야지
If I buy it again, I'll count Orbit.
이건 약간 당연한게 아니라 완전 당연
It's not obvious. It's totally obvious.
나 일부러 지금 오빛 재밌으라고 약간 하는거야
I'm doing this on purpose to make ORBIT fun.
약간 그런거 알쥐???
You know that, right?
오늘 라이브 다 볼수있는건가???
Can we watch all of today's live?
나 오늘 시구한다!!!
I'm throwing the first pitch today!
오 보러오는사람들 있는거야....?!!
Oh, are there people coming to see it...?
잘 던져야겠네...
I should throw it well.
약간 잘 던져보께
I'll throw it well.
어제 퀸덤 본 사람
Who saw "Queendom" yesterday?
영은이랑.채현이 너무 귀엽자나
Young Eun and Chae Hyun are so cute.
연습 열심히.했어 흑흑
I practiced hard.
나도 그날 처음듣는 노래였어 그래서 중간평가 약간 아쉽
It was my first time listening to it that day, too. So I was a bit sad about the mid-term evaluation.
웅 경기도 시간 ㅊ대한 되는만큼 보고가야지 ㅋㅋ
Yes, I'll watch Gyeonggi-do as much time as I can.
나 응원법 다 까먹엇으면 어뜨카지
What if I forgot the fan chant?