2022 04 17 841
동생이랑 나이랑 생일도 비슷해
My brother and I have similar age and birthday.
실제로는 1도 안닮었어
You don't look like him at all.
동생은 나랑 다르게.생걌어
He's differently.I got it.
재밌다 나 혼자 추억팔이 인거같긴 하지만ㄴ
It's fun. I think I'm the only one who's talking about memories.
그럼 질문 하나더 하까???
Then should I ask you one more question?
합창단 시절 이야기 듣고싶네😍
I want to hear about your choir days. 😍
합창단을 11살에 시작해서
I started the choir when I was 11.
들어간것도 친구가 합창단에 있었는데
친구 공연보러 인라인스케이트타고 그냥 구경갔다가
My friend was in the choir.
I went inline skating to see my friend's performance.
단장님이 너 합창단 와볼래?? 해서 강거였어 ㅋㅋㅋ
Do you want to come to the choir? That's why I kicked him.
내 인생을 열어주신 분이지
He's the one who opened up my life.
그래서 합창단 들어가서 cf삽입되는 노래도 많이 부르고
So I went into the choir and sang a lot of songs with CF.
1년에 한번씩 해외로 나가서 대회나 공연도 가고
I go abroad once a year and go to a competition or a concert.
봉사도 많이 다니고
I went to volunteer work a lot.
그때 뭔가 노래로 사람을 감동시킬수 있구나를 알았던거같아
I think I knew that I could touch people with songs.
그래서 성악가를 목표로 중1때부터 나는 당연히 노래를 해야하는사람
My goal is to become a vocalist. Since I was in 7th grade, I had to sing.
이렇게 생각을 했던거같어
That's what I thought.
cf는.. 홈×러스 재×교육 유×와 친구들 y×야기
The cf is... Home x Luss x Education x Y x Friends x Y x Yogi
몰라 기억안나 너무 마니햇어
I don't know. I don't remember. It was so crazy.
애기때였고 ㅋㅋㅋ
It was when I was a baby lol
혹시 몰라서 가려봤..어...
I covered it just in case.
아 무한도전 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ah, Infinite Challenge!
그것도 합창단에서 갑자기 몇명 연락하셔서
The choir suddenly contacted a few people.
날짜도 기억나 어버이날이였어
I remember the date. It was Parents' Day.
녹화가야된다 해서
I had to go to the recording studio.
악보 급하게.받아서 하루인가
I got the score in a hurry. Was it a day?
I practiced.
그래서 고등학생때까지 합창단 다니면서 동생들 도와주다가
So until high school, I went to the choir and helped the younger members.
갑자기 캐스팅되고 데뷔하면서 못갔지
I couldn't go after I was casted and debuted.
그래도 그 뒤로 데뷔하고 많이 찾아갔어
But since then, I've been there a lot since our fans debuted.
앨범 땡스투에도 적고
I wrote it down on the album "Thanks to".
단장님 사랑해요😍
I love you.😍
콘서트때도 오셨는뎅 ㅋㅋ
You came to the concert, too.
그래서 나도 단장님 나이정도 됐을때 어린이합창단 하는게 꿈이였어
So my dream was to join a children's choir when I was about the age of the leader.
어른들은 낼수없는 딱 아이들 학생들의 소리가 있거든
There's the sound of kids that adults can't make.
그소리들은 정말 순간 지나가서
Those sounds just passed by.
뭔가 예쁘게 다 모아서 간직해두고 싶어
I want to collect them and cherish them.
내가 나중에 합창단만들면 오빛들 조카 애기들 다 데꾸와
If I make a choir later, Orbit's nephews and babies will be decorated.
아니면 지금 우리 합창단 제가...뒤를..이어...
Or our choir...The back... Continuing on...
(Laughs) (Laughs)
지휘부터 배우고 하하하
I learned how to conduct first. Hahaha.
워워 지금 다들 서로 두살이고 다섯살이라고 하시는데
Wow, everyone is saying that we're two and five years old.
난 꼭 우리 이달의소녀 정상 찍고
I hope LOONA will be at the top of the mountain.
내가 하고싶었던 소극장도 열고
I opened a small theater that I wanted to do.
마무리로 합창단 만들어서
Let's make a choir to wrap this up.
봉사도 많이 다니고 내가 느꼈던거 애기들한테도 알려줄꺼야
I'm going to volunteer a lot and I'm going to tell the kids what I felt.
나 혼자는 못하니까 오빛이 도와줘야함
I can't do it alone, so Orbit has to help me.