2022 04 12 764

빅 피쉬.라는 영화입니다
It's a movie called Big Fish.

다들 잘자~✨️
Good night everyone~✨️

아직 잠이 안와서
I'm not sleepy yet.

지금 그냥 유툽 틀어놓고 멍때리는중
I'm just playing YouTube and spacing out.

다들 겨울잠 보고왔나
Did you all watch hibernation?

이 노래는 한번에 들려주고싶어서...ㅎㅎ
I wanted to play this song for you all at once.Haha

오빛 덕분에 내가 노래한다
Thanks to ORBIT, I sing.


이거 오늘 찍었엉
I filmed this today.

찍자마자 올렷엉
I posted it as soon as I took it.

너ㅓㅓㅓㅓ무 들려주고싶어서 연습은 많이.해ㅛ었는데
I want to play it so much that I practice a lot.The sun was up.

오늘 부른게 그나마...나은거같아서
The song I sang today was...I think it's better.

만족은 못하지만
I'm not satisfied.

오루골 모하냠
What are you doing?

심심해서 연락해보ㅓㅆ움
I'm calling because I'm bored.

나도 내가 부른 겨울잠 무한반복중이야
I'm repeating the hibernation I sang.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

하 좀 더 완벽하게.해서 보냈어야하나 하면서
A little more perfect.I was thinking if I should have sent it.


요즘 또 애니메이션에.빠져서
In the animation these days.I'm into it.

안본게 뭐있을까 하면서 찾고있어
I'm looking for something I haven't seen.

약간 좀 옛날거에 빠졌어
I'm kind of into old things from the past.

Princess Wonryeong.

나 가끔 신데렐라 백설공주
Sometimes, I like Cinderella, Snow White.

이런것도 마니봐
Look at this.

The Little Mermaid

너의이름은도 울었는데
I cried your name, too.

약간 감동적인 눈물나는영화 보고싶다
I want to watch a touching movie.

일반영화 애니 아무거나 다조아ㅏㅏ
I like any normal movie.

거의 다 본거다...
I've seen almost everything.

오늘은 자야겟으
I should go to bed tonight.

2시에 잔다ㅏ
I go to bed at 2 o'clock.