2022 03 03 307

입술만 살짝바름...
I'm going to apply it on my lips.

The official Twitter photo...

나 하늘색 옷 짱 많은데
I have so many sky blue clothes.

머리가 하늘색이여서
My hair is sky blue.

옷입을땨마다 고민중ㅇ..
I'm thinking about it every time I wear clothes.

머리색 이름이 딱 있진않지만... 하슬 애she블루그레이 색...?
My hair color doesn't have a name, but... Haseul is she blue gray...?

(Laughs) (Laughs)

Should I take a nap?

아 지금은 낮잠이 아닌가
Ah, isn't it a nap right now?

빨래하고 청소하니까 노곤노곤허넹
I feel sleepy after doing the laundry and cleaning.

What should I do...


너튜브를 마니보징
I watch YouTube.

어떤거 보는지 공통질문이 많아성
There are a lot of common questions about what you watch. Sung.

영화리뷰 채널도 보구 사회복지?!채널도 보구
Watch movie review channel and social welfare?!I watch the channel, too.

방금 네고왕이랑 워크맨 봤당 ㅋㅋ
I just saw your old king and Walkman.