2022 11 07 3524
넷플 보기..^^
Watch Netflix.. ^^
It's fun.
첨엔 무슨 내용이지 하다가
At first, I wondered what it was about.
점점 다음화 다음화!
It's getting closer to the next episode!
하다가 다 보고
I watched them all.
"치얼업 추천 이요 재밋슴"
"I recommend cheer-up. It's fun."
OST가 좋더라요
I like the OST.
드라마는 아직 안 봤지만...^^
I haven't watched the drama yet...^^
20세기 소녀도 보고
I saw 20th century girls.
이제 날이 조금씩 추워지고 있어요
It's getting colder now.
저는 계속 후드집업만 입었는데
I've only been wearing hoodies.
이제 조금 더 따뜻하게 입어야할 날이
The day I need to dress a little warmer...
오고 있습니다...
It's coming...
이 회색후드 계속 똑같은 날 같지만
This gray hoodie seems like it's the same day,
그저 맨날 같은 옷 입은 거
Just wearing the same clothes all the time.
아직 뭔가 패딩입기엔
It's hard to wear a bit...
낮엔 덥지 않나요...??????
Isn't it hot during the day?
애매한 날씨...!
Ambiguous weather...!
하지만 따뜻하게 입으세요
But dress warmly.
"언니 붕어빵은 먹었나요!!!!! 이제 붕어빵의 계절인데"
"Did you eat bungeo-ppang? It's the season for bungeoppang."
Stir it in the fish bun!
그때 자랑했을 때가 끝 ㅠ
That's when I bragged about it.
다시 또 찾아나서야지
I'm going to look for it again.
호떡도 좋은데
Hotteok is good, too.
그 버블호떡 좋아~~~!
I like bubble hotteok.~~!
G, o, s.
This one, too.
이거 전거가 더 잘 찍었다 그치
The previous one was better. isn't it
단무지 달
Pickled radish moon.
"난 이렇게 찍혀서 무서어 ㄷ"
"I'm scared because it's taken like this."
와 진짜 무서
Wow, it's really scary.
달이 막 돌아가
The moon is spinning.
"내가 찍은 월식......... 셔속 설정 망했지............"
"I took a lunar eclipse... ...and the Shersack setting is ruined... ...and..."
와 대박
Wow, that's awesome.
"200년만 더 살면 그땐 잘 찍어야지.."
"If I live another 200 years, I'll take it well."
우와 이 오빛 대박
Wow, this ORBIT is amazing.
당신의 프사를 캡쳐하겠습니다
I'll capture your profile picture.
이게 다 달이래
These are all the moons.
이게 무슨
What is this?
It's fascinating...
이거 내가 찍은 거 아냐.
I didn't take this picture.
오빛 작품
Orbit's work
다시 내 단무지
Again, my pickled radish.
나 아주 귀여운 걸 발견했어
I found something very cute.
It's cute.
"Looking in the mirror?"
"뭐야 치즈냥에 나비? 고원이네"
"What? A butterfly on a cheese cat? It's GoWon."
No, it's not.
자 얼른 소문 내
Hurry up and spread the word
이거봐 고원 프사 냥이 저렇게 하품할 것 같음"
Look at this. I think Go Won's professional cat would yawn like that."*
(Laughs)T, T, T(Laughs)
It's ridiculous...
"링크 복사가 안돼여.."
"I can't copy the link."
문당훈쌤이 이야웅와이용와 이러십니다
Moon Dang Hoon is like this.