2022 10 28 3500
"이중턱 대박"
"Double chin. Awesome."
이중턱 아니고 걍 하관인데...
It's not a double chin. It's just a lower jaw.
이브씨도 고원시 외치세요
Yves, please say Go Won-shi.
언니가 고투 이중턱이래 ㅠ
They said you have a double chin.
울상이 아니라
It's not a crying face.
저건 코
That's the nose.
"나 편집하느라 고생해서 야식을 먹어야겠어 피자 vs 치킨"
"I'm having a hard time editing, so I'm going to eat a late night snack. Pizza vs chicken."
Hot fried chicken.
다들 배아프대
Everyone says their stomach hurts.
Sweet and sour chicken
"공주는 좋아하는 닭강정 브랜드가 있으신가요"
"Gongju, do you have a favorite brand of sweet and sour chicken?"
딱히 없어요
There's nothing in particular.
저는 토요시장 닭강정
I like sweet and sour chicken at Saturday Market.
이런 거 좋아했어요
I liked things like this.
"한국은 요즘 붕어빵이나 땅콩빵이나 계란빵 팔아요?? 완전 먹구싶은데...🤤"
"Do they sell bungeoppang, peanut bread, or egg bread in Korea these days? I really want to eat it...🤤"
어제 붕어빵 먹었어요
I ate bungeo-ppang yesterday.
저는 슈붕을 먹었답니다
I had chubung.
팥도 좋아하는데
I like red beans, too.
어제 기분은 슈크림
Yesterday, I felt like custard cream.
"근데 같은 집 몇 번 가다보면 팥이랑 슈중에 좀 더 맛있는 게 잇더라"
"But if I go to the same house a few times, there's a better one between red bean and choux."
이거 맞아
This is right.
더 잘하는 메뉴가 있어
There's a better menu.
Was it last year?
지나가다가 붕어빵 사먹으려고 했는데
I was going to buy fish-shaped buns and eat them.
팥 2
슈 2
Red bean 2.
Shoo 2
이렇게는 파는데
They sell it like this.
팥 1 슈 1
One red bean and one chou.
이렇게는 안 파신다는 거야
They don't sell it like this.
그래서 안되냐고 물어보고 고민에 잠겼는데
So I asked if I can't do it, and I was lost in thought.
옆에 계시던 할아버지께서
The grandfather who was next to me
아유~~~ 학생이 달라는데 그냥 좀 줘!!!!!!!
The student wants it, so just give it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
이래서 얻어냈어
That's why I got it.
짝수로 맞춰서 파시는 거라
They sell it in even numbers.
They said no.
"2개 2개 사지"
"Let's buy two."
저에겐 그 양은 벅차기에
For me, that amount is overwhelming.
저는 단 거에 약하답니다
I'm not good at sweets.
프사 자랑
Showing off my profile picture.
동생 친구가!!
My younger brother's friend!
이건 동생이
My younger brother...
틱톡 보고 따라 만들었대
Someone copied TikTok.
나도 어렸을 때
When I was young,
맨날 이런 거 그렸는데
I always drew something like this.
"대박 추억...... 어렸을 때 공책에다 인형 옷 입히기 요런 #mood"
"Amazing memories... When I was young, I put doll clothes on my notebook #mood"
This is it.
나도 맨날 캐릭터 그리고
I always draw characters.
옷 잔뜩 그려서
I drew a lot of clothes.
옷 입히기 놀이
a dressing game