2022 10 14 3360

리허설 후기
Rehearsal review.

사실 아직 안 끝났지만
It's not over yet.

한 결과
as a result of

관객석 대박 잘 보임
I can see the audience really well.

나도 낯가리니
I'm shy, too.

다들 낯가리면 안돼ㅠ
You can't be shy.

눈 피하지마...
Don't look away.

아니 1층 다 잘보여
No, I can see the first floor well.

1층이 그 숫자 구역들 아냐?
Isn't the first floor the number zones?

너무 잘 보여
I can see it so well.

오빛들 렌즈꼈는지도 보일정도
I can see if ORBIT is wearing contact lenses.

그리고 더워요
And it's hot.

난 오늘도 반팔
I'm wearing a short-sleeved T-

반팔에 겉옷챙기기 추천합니다
Short-sleeve shirts and outerwear are recommended.

아냐 춤 안 춰도 더울 거 같아
No, I think it'll be hot without dancing.

아 제가 조금 시력이 좋긴해요 ㅋ
I have good eyesight. (Laughs]

"후드티 절대불가야?.."
"Hoodie is absolutely impossible?"

아 더울 거 같은데
I think it's going to be hot.

입을 순 있어
I can wear it.

하지만 반팔.
But short sleeves.

하지만 겉옷 꼭.
But don't forget your jacket.

밖은 추워
It's cold outside.

낼 봅시다...
Let's see...

조심히 가요💖
Get home safe 💖