2022 10 06 3298

"고등학생 시절로 돌아간 듯 하네"
"I feel like I'm back in high school."


우리 엄마가
My mom...

나 흑발하니까
Since I have black hair,

귀엽대 ㅋ
They're saying you're cute.

웅 자랑하고 싶었어 ㅋ
I wanted to brag about it.

얘기 듣고 오빛들한테 자랑해야지~ 했어
After hearing that, I wanted to brag about it to ORBIT.

밸런스 게임
A balance game.

상황: 겉옷을 세탁기를 돌렸는데 계속 달그락 소리가 나서 뭐지 했더니 립스틱이 주머니에 들어있었다
Situation: I ran my outer clothes in the washing machine, but I kept hearing clatter, so I wondered what it was, and the lipstick was in my pocket.

멈추고 거품과 물이 가득하지만 빼낸다 vs 그냥 포기하고 한시간동안 립스틱이 돌아가는 걸 본다
Stop and watch the lipstick run for an hour, but it's full of foam and water, but take it out vs. just give up.


혹시 이것이 누군가의 실화처럼 느껴지시나요?
Does this feel like someone's true story?

그 주인공은
The main character is...

1을 택했습니다
I chose 1.

거품 뚝뚝...
Foam drops...

립스틱은 멀쩡했지만 거품 가득...
The lipstick was fine, but it was full of foam...

그냥 바이바이 했습니다...^^
I just said bye bye...^^

딱히 그렇게 좋아하던 거 아니라🤮
I didn't really like it that much 🤮

"다행이네 옷에 립스틱 파티 안한 게 어디야 ^-^..."
"That's a relief. I didn't have a lipstick party on my clothes. ^-^..."

이게 진짜 다행 천만다행
It's a relief. It's a relief.

"그래도 옷에 있던 게 지갑이 아닌 게 어디예요 하하하.."
"But what's not the wallet on the clothes is it hahaha.."

Hah, hah, hah.

저 해외투어 할 때
During our overseas tour,

카드키랑 폰이랑 겹쳐두면 고장난다는 거를 모르고
I didn't know that if I put my card key and phone together, it would break.

같이 들고 다녔거든요
We carried it around together.

근데 이제 다른 언니들방 놀러갔다가
I went to the other members' rooms,

돌아오는데 키가 고장이 난거예요
I was coming back and my key was broken.

그래서 잠옷차림으로 ㅠ
So, in my pajamas...

하지만 카운터에서 아주 친절하게 바로 바꿔주셨어요
But the counter was very kind and they changed it right away.
