2022 09 28 3232

저 한번도 안해봤어요
I've never done it before.

"크레이지아케이드 ㄱ..?"
"Crazy Arcade?"

Oh, my.

크아 재밌겠다
Crazy Arcade sounds fun.

"테런 30인 달리기 하좌"
"Thirty-man Terran Runs Down"


대박 재밌겠다
It's going to be so much fun.

게임 좋아하는데
I like games.

I can't.

나 꼴등할걸
I should've come in last place.

I don't think so.

몇명은 이겨
Some win.

"롤은 해보셨어요?!"
"Have you played League of Legends?"

한참 유행할때 딱 한번 해봤습니다
I tried it when it was really popular.

대충 중학생쯤
Around middle school.

근데 처음하는거라
But it's my first time doing it.

뭔지도 모르고 해봤어요
I did it without knowing what it was.

그래서 재밌는지 재미없는지
So I'm not sure if it's fun or not.

I don't know.

"고원이 카트라이더 잘할거같아"
"I think GoWon will be good at Kart Rider."


좀 소질있어
I'm talented.

카트게임 잘해
I'm good at kart games.

이번에 카트라이더 뭐 새로운 거 나온다는
There's a new Kart Rider game coming out.

"고원이 근데 모바일로만 하고 컴으로는 안하잖아"
"But Go Won only does it on mobile and doesn't do it on computer."

That's right.

모바일이 더 쉬워서??????
Because mobile is easier???

컴퓨터 게임은
Computer games...

집가서 고제로씨꺼 뺏어서해야해
I'm gonna go home and take Gojero's.

근데 게임은 구경하는 것도 재밌어
But it's fun to watch games, too.

그 머냐
How far is it?

Fall Guys


이거 예전부터 하고 싶었는데
I've always wanted to do this.

Not too long ago,

이거랑 비슷한
It's similar to this.

무슨 브로콜리로 이렇게 달리더라고
He was running on broccoli.

(Laughs)I was searching.

갑자기 딴길로 샜어
I suddenly got off on the wrong track.

"뽀미 근황 알려주세요~"
"Please tell us how Bo Mi has been."

Bo Mi is...

어제도 엄마가 산책 사진 보내줬는데
My mom sent me a picture of me taking a walk yesterday.

자기 마음대로 가려고
He wants to go whatever he wants.

아주 버티고 있더라거
He was holding out.

이거 봡
Look at this.

It's cute.

"뽀미 씻기기 난이도를 0에서 10까지로 표현하면 어느정도인거같아요??"
"How much do you think Bo Mi's washing difficulty is expressed from 0 to 10?"

음 음 1정도...?
Um, um, about a...?

뽀미야 목욕하자~
Bo Mi, let's take a bath.

하면 되게 싫어하는데
I don't like it when I hate it.

기어서 와
Crawl here.

근데 중간에 털어서 물 튀기게해서 0은 아니고 1
But I shook it off in the middle and splashed it, so it's not 0 but 1.

뽀미는 착해요
Bo Mi is nice.

집에 아무도 없을 땐
When no one's home,

쓰레기통을 다 뒤지지만
I'm going through all the trash cans.

He's nice. ^^

다시 제 얼굴로.
Back to my face.