2022 09 17 3124
루미너스 사진이 없기에
I don't have Luminus pictures.
콘서트때 찍은 것 중에 올릴만한 거 찾구 이써
I'm looking for something that I can upload from the concert.
찍을 그게 없었다....!
I didn't have anything to film...!
Princess of the Highlands
한국와서 잘 쉬고 있어용
I'm resting well since I came to Korea.
무사히 한국 도착!
We arrived safely in Korea!
또 이런저런 준비를 해야하는 핑계로
And with the excuse of preparing this and that,
오늘은 하루종일 집에만 있었답니다💖
I stayed at home all day today.💖
먹은 것.
What I ate.
낙지 삼겹살 전골..? 뭐 그런거랑
Octopus, pork belly, hot pot...? Something like that.
Jjolmyeon (spicy seafood noodles)!
"당연히 떡볶이도 먹었겠지?"
"Of course, you ate tteokbokki, right?"
내일 후보...!
Tomorrow's candidate...!
하지만 유럽음식도 좋았어요
But I liked European food, too.
물론 공연장에서 늘 한식을 먹었지만요
Of course, I always ate Korean food at the concert hall.
작은아씨들 열심히 봤습니다
I watched the little ladies.
From the plane...
흥미진진하게 보면서 왔다구요
I'm here to enjoy it.
대박 재밌어~♡
It's so much fun! ♡
"남지현 배우님 너무....💖"
"Actor Nam Jihyun is so...💖"
꺅 지금 내 인생드라마에 늘 나오셔💖
He's always in my life drama right now. 💖
제가 늘 얘기하지만
As I always say,
"365 운명을 거스르는 1년"
"365 A year against fate".
이 드라마를 안 보신분과는
For those who haven't watched this drama,
드라마 얘기를 크게 하고 싶지 않네요 ㅡ.,ㅡ
I don't want to talk too much about the drama.
as soon as soon as possible.
태풍 조심 ㅠ
Be careful of the typhoon.
바람이 바람이 아주,,
The wind is very...
사진이 올라왔어욥
The picture came up.
I'm crossing...