2022 08 29 2942
그 통안에서 움직이면 안된대
You can't move in that barrel.
근데 소리 엄청 시끄럽다고 헤드폰을 씌워주셨거든
But they put on headphones because the sound was really loud.
블랙맘바를 틀어주시는 거야 ㅠ
They're going to play Black Mamba.
어떻게 가만히 있어요 ㅠ
How can I stay still? (T)
진짜 넘 고통스러웠어
It was so painful.
다음 곡은 또 엔시티드림선배님 곡이었는데
The next song was NCT DREAM's song.
신나서 속에서만 춤췄어
I was so excited that I just danced inside.
아주 고통스러운 시간이었습니다...
It was a very painful time...
"케이팝러버에게 케이팝을 들려주면서 mri 기기 안에 집어넣는 건 고문입니다 ㅜ"
"It's torture to let K-pop lovers listen to K-pop and put it in the mri device. ㅜ"
I agree.
케이팝러버에게는 너무 어려운....
It's too hard for K-pop lovers...
"모든 걸 삼켜버릴 블. 랙. 맘. 바."
"Black, rack, mom, bar to swallow everything."
아ㅠ 프사 강아지가 블랙맘바 추고 있어
My profile picture is dancing to Black Mamba.
"근데 이거 프사 보이는구나.. 나 되게 킹받는 햄토리로 해놨는데"
"But you can see my profile picture. I set it as the king of hamtori."
대박 킹바다요
Awesome. King of the sea.
프사 엄청 크게는 못 보고
I can't see the profile picture that big.
엄지 손톱보다는 크게 보여
It looks bigger than Umji's fingernails.
"내가 만든 루피~.................. 떼어내다 망햇지.................."
"The rupee I made... ...took it off and ruined it."
프사 루핀데 진짜 망함...
It's my profile picture, but I'm really doomed...
내가 만든 루피.....~~~~~~
Loopy that I made...
"공주야 캐리어 온다며??"
"Gongju, I heard your luggage is coming."
마자 캐리어가 다행히도 도착했어
Fortunately, my suitcase arrived.
"다행이다 안에 중요한 거 많았을텐데 ㅜ"
"That's a relief. There must have been a lot of important things inside."
젤 중요한 거 드라이기.
The most important thing is a dryer.
말고는 사실 뭐 딱히 없어
Other than that, there's nothing in particular.
유럽은 되는지 찾아봐야지
I'm going to look for Europe.
"고원이 쇼핑 안했어?"
"Go Won, you didn't go shopping?"
진솔언니랑 커플 나시 하나...?
Do you have a sleeveless shirt with JinSoul?
지식인 오빛들
Orbit, the intellectual.
유럽에 드라이기 가져가본 오빛
Orbit who took a hair dryer to Europe.
"아이패드는 결국 도움이 되었나요?"
"Did the iPad help in the end?"
완전. 우영우를 봤지요
Totally. I saw Woo Young.
"맞아 목베개 편했어 ??"
"Right, was the neck pillow comfortable?"
아니요........ 그저 귀엽기만한 친구였습니다........
No, he was just a cute friend.
그래서 예전에 쓰던 애를 창고에서 다시 찾아가지거
So I'm going to find my old kid back in the warehouse.
그 친구를 데려가려구요
I'm trying to take him.
사실 얘가 넘 편했는데 잃어버린줄 알고
It was so comfortable, but I thought I lost it.
똑같은 애로 사려다가 단종돼서
I was going to buy the same one, but it was discontinued.
그 귀요미친구를 산거였는데
I bought that cute friend.
다시 찾았다는 이야기
I found it again.
사진 다 골랐다아
I picked all the pictures.Ah.
사진 고르는데 백만년 걸리는 편
It takes a million years to pick a picture.
근데 다들 썸머패키지를 받으셨나요?
Did you all receive the summer package?
아직 못 받은 오빛들도 있군ㅇ요
Some ORBIT haven't received it yet.
팹에도 올릴 사진 고르고 올게...
I'm going to pick a picture to post on Fab.
백만년은 아닐거아
Not a million years.
조금만 기다랴줘
Please wait a little longer.
사진 하트해두는데
I'm making a heart for the photo.
그 이후로 찍은 사진도 넘 많아서
There are so many pictures that I took after that.
찾기가 어려으ㅏ
It's hard to find.
유럽 비행기에서 나 갤러리 정리한다
On a European plane, I organize my gallery.
제발 하라고 해줘
Please tell me to do it.
지금 뒤죽박죽 갤러리
It's a messy gallery.
"고원이 아이폰이지???
나의앨범에서 즐겨찾기한 항목 들어가면 하트한것들만 모아서 볼 수 있어!!!🌟🌟"
"Go Won is an iPhone, right?
If you go into my favorite items in my album, you can only see the hearted ones!!!🌟🌟"
웅... 하트만 지금... 몇천개야...
Just the hearts right now... How many...
그냥 사진은 대략 오만장..
It's just that there are about 50,000 photos.
착장 하나 완료~♡
One outfit is done!♡