2022 08 16 2769

No way!

지금 생일자 브이앱한다.....!
I am doing a birthday vlive now..!

저는 라면먹는중 ㅋ
I am eating ramen.

아 웃겨
So funny.

저는 새벽두시 아니고
It's not 2am.

오후 한시거든요???!!!
It's 1 p.m.???!!!

얼른 생일파티 참여하세요
Hurry up and participate in the birthday party.

Pink girls.

데뷔와 동시에 해체
Disbanded as soon as we debuted.

라면 뭐 먹었냐면
What ramen did I eat?

Samyang Ramen

신라면 진라면 삼양라면 있었는데
Shin Ramyun. Jin Ramyun. Samyang Ramyun.

젤 담백할 거 같은 삼양 골랐어
I picked Samyang, which is the cleanest.

제육은 결국..
Stir-fried pork, after all right.

오지 않았다는 슬픈 이야기
a sad story that didn't

고추장 없는 비빔밥도
Bibimbap without red pepper paste.

혜주랑 며칠전부터 계속
Hyejoo and I have been together for several days.

워싱턴은 제육이래 이러고 기대했는데
Washington is spicy pork. I was looking forward to it.

급식표처럼 나와있거든
It looks like a school meal ticket.

뉴욕도 제육볶음도시락 써있는데 과연...
It says Stir-fried Spicy Pork Lunch Box in New York, too. Let's see.

아이스크림 몇입 먹었어요!!!
I had a few bites of ice cream!!!

It was chocolate.

그게 무중력 아이스크림이래
That's weightless ice cream.

뒤집어도 멀쩡한
It's okay even if I turn it upside down.

역시 새벽에 자는 사람 별로 없네
There aren't many people who sleep late at night.

다들 생일축하한다고 얼른 얘기하기
Everyone, hurry up and say happy birthday.

저는 이제 준비하는중쓰
I'm getting ready now.

멀 준비하냐면
What I'm preparing is...

저는 이제 곧 콘서트를 해요
I'm going to have a concert soon.

다섯시간 뒤
Five hours later.


저희 투어중인데요 ㅠㅡㅠ
We're on a tour. (Crying)

지금 노 한국이라구여...!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No Korea now..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

아 진짜 웃겨 ㅠ
It's so funny.

누가 잘 시간에 콘서트하냬 ㅠㅠ
Who's having a concert at bedtime?

한국오빛들 얼른 주무셔요 ㅠ
Korean ORBIT, hurry up and sleep.

🥷웅 빠이
🥷웅 빠이

이렇게 쉽게 날 보내주는 거야?
Are you letting me go this easily?

하지만 전 준비해야해서 ㅎㅋ
But I have to prepare haha

See you later.


오빛들끼리 놀고 있어~~~~~
ORBIT are playing with each other.~~~~