2022 08 15 2758
햄버거 가게 이름
The name of the hamburger store.
저는 그래서 치즈버거에다가
So, I'm going to add cheeseburgers
토마토 양상추 피클 버섯 등등
Tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, mushrooms, etc.
미국온지 몇주됐는데 햄버거 첨으로 먹었어
I've been in the States for a few weeks, and I had a hamburger first.
그동안 뭘 먹었냐면
What I've eaten so far...
아침에 베이글 그런거랑
Bagels in the morning.
오늘은 식빵에 크림치즈 발라서 먹었어요
Today, I put cream cheese on bread and ate it.
아이러브 크림치즈
I love cream cheese.
그리고 에그베네딕트 먹어봤다
And I've tried Egg Benedict.
나 연어 좋아해서
I like salmon.
Salmon Egg Benedict
음 그리고 뭐 먹었더라
And what did I eat?
French toast!
주로 조식을 열심히 챙겨먹는 편
I usually eat breakfast.
야식은 노
No late night snack.
마자 나 원래 야식 좋아하는데
Right, I like late night snacks.
약간 기름진 음식들도 많아서
There are a lot of oily foods.
마자 소화안되면 힘들어
Right, it's hard if you can't digest.
in a heap
Nutritional supplements?
낼부터 다시 챙겨먹을게요..........
I'll eat again tomorrow.
어차피 오빛들도 안 먹었을테니
Orbit probably didn't eat it either.
Lunch menu recommendation?
한국은 점심인가보다 맞네
I guess it's lunch time in Korea.
내가 먹고 싶은 거
What I want to eat.
It looks delicious.
🥷차돌짬뽕 vs 삼선짬뽕
Brisket Jjambbong Ramen vs Samseon Jjambbong
저는 짜장보다 짬뽕
I like jjamppong more than jajang.
왜냐면 국물러버라서
Because it's soup lover.
저랑 비슷한 시차에 살고 있는 오빛들은
ORBIT who live in a time difference similar to me,
낼 아침추천
Tomorrow's breakfast recommendation.
an omelet
안에 치즈 들어가있으면 맛있겠다 그치
It would be good if there's cheese inside. isn't it
케찹 뿌려먹어 냠
Sprinkle ketchup and eat it. Yum.
돈까오므라이스 맛있겠다
Tonka omurice sounds good.
마자요 사실 지금 조금 배고픈 상태
That's right. Actually, I'm a little hungry right now.
아까 햄버거 먹으면서도 느꼈어
I felt it while eating hamburgers.
왜냐면 이런 거는 좀 금방 배고파지는 음식이라
Because these are foods that make you hungry quickly.
공연 끝나면 백퍼 배고프겠다 싶었어
I thought I would be 100% hungry after the concert.
I must get some sleep.
얼른 씻고 잘게욥
I'm going to wash up and go to sleep.
Good night!
밥 잘먹구!!!!!!!!!
Eat well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good night💖
good night💖