2022 08 09 2668
마음 바뀐지 오래야
It's been a long time since I changed my mind.
시카고피자 먹어보고 싶긴했는데
I wanted to try Chicago pizza.
피자 먹은지 얼마 안돼서
It hasn't been long since I had pizza.
얼큰한거 먹고싶어
I want to eat something spicy.
근데 나 한때
At one point,
When I was in middle school.
한국에 있는 시카고 피자에 완전 빠져서
I'm so into Chicago pizza in Korea.
친구랑 둘이 한판 다 먹었어
My friend and I ate the whole thing.
It's amazing.
근데 이제는 모르겠다
But I don't know anymore.
시카고 날씨 참 좋아요
The weather is so nice in Chicago.
귀여운 강아지도 대박 많아요
There are so many cute puppies.
이제 곧 자려구요
I'm going to bed soon.
뽀미 근황은 카톡으로 잘받고있어
I'm getting updates from Bo Mi through Kakao Talk.
Makmyo is...
모르겠다 ㅋ
I don't know lol
잘있겠지 뭐
I'm sure he's doing well.
뽀미랑 막묘묘는 넘 다르지
Bo Mi and Makmyo are so different.
우리 뽀미는 이름만 들어도 그냥 애틋하고 넘 귀엽고
Just hearing her name makes me feel affectionate and cute.
막묘묘는 그냥 잘자랐으면~ ㅋ
I hope you grow up well.
약간 다른 감정이야
It's a different feeling.
뽀미 곧 미용한대
Bo Mi is getting her hair done soon.
So cute~♡
털 많이 자랐어
My fur grew a lot.
이제 용기내러 가야지
I'm going to go get some courage.
좋은 하루 보내시길,,
Have a nice day.
캐리어 정리도 해야해
I need to organize my suitcase.
이게 젤 귀찮은 거 알지
You know this is the most annoying thing.
결국 기내용 캐리어도 장만해버럈답니다
So I ended up buying a carry-on.
젤 귀찮은 거
The most annoying thing.
계속 이동해야하니까
We have to keep moving.
샤워도구 맨날 늘어놨다가 다시 정리
I always hang out shower tools and organize them again.
짐이 많아진 건 아니구
It's not that I have a lot of luggage.
왜 샀냐면 늘 옷과 샤워도구랑 이것저것
I always bought clothes, shower equipment, and this and that.
바리바리 어깨에 매고 다니려니까
I'm going to wear it on my shoulders
a hundred million hearts
넘 힘들어사 삿어
I bought it because it was so hard.
예민 피부라
I have sensitive skin.
쓰던 거 계속 쓰는 게 맘편해서
It's comfortable to keep using what I used.
짐이 만ㄹ아
My luggage is touching.
I don't think so.
근데 딱히 안 많은 편
But I don't have a lot.
최소한으로 가져오긴 했어
I brought the least I could do.
하여튼 다시 또..
Anyway, again...
샤워도구를 정리하고..
I'm going to clean up my shower.
아니 자꾸 새는 화장품
No, makeup that keeps leaking.
젤 눈물나
I'm tearing up the most.
큰 옹기내서
We made a big pot.k.a big pot.
정리하러 갈게
I'm going to clean up.