2022 08 04 2571
젤라또는 쿠키앤크림
Gelato is cookie and cream.
It was delicious.
마자 해산물 좋아해
I like seafood.
Not too long ago,
미국 오기 전
Before I came to the U.
혜주랑 길걷다가
I was walking with Hyejoo.
밸런스게임 했어
We played the balance game.
그 식당 중에 엄청 큰 게 붙어있는 거 알아?
Did you know that there's a really big restaurant?
그 킹크랩 모형
The king crab model.
하여튼 그게 집 거실에 있는대신 50평 집 받기 vs 그냥 살기
Anyway, instead of staying in the living room, getting a 50 pyeong house vs just living.
살아있는 거는 아냐
It's not alive.
근데 너가 움직일때마다 게 눈은 움직여
But every time you move, the crab's eyes move.
난 첨에 1 골랐다가
I picked 1 first.
I canceled it.
눈 움직이는 거 징그러워서
It's disgusting to move my eyes.
혜주는 바로 2
Hyejoo is... 2.
멋이 있는데 자기 인테리어에 그런 게가 있는게 싫대
He's cool, but he doesn't like it when there's something like that in his interior.
다들 눈 움직이는 거에서 마음을 돌렸어
Everyone changed their minds from moving their eyes.
첨엔 1이 많다가
At first, there were a lot of 1s.
어떤 스찬이는 집 안줘도되니까 게만 달래
Someone said, "You don't have to give me a house, so just crab."
난 그래서 바다 무드등 켜둔다했어
That's why I left the ocean mood light on.
진주 조개 모양 침대
a bed shaped like a pearl shell
바퀴벌레 모형보다는 킹크랩이 낫대
King crab is better than a cockroach model.
Oh, my.
I got goosebumps.
🥷사랑스러운 강아지 모형은 안될까요?
Can't I have a lovely puppy model?
No, I'm not.
이러면 저도 당연히 강아지랑 살지요
Of course, I live with my dog.
저도 게말고 개랑 살고 싶어요
I want to live with a dog, not a crab.
아니 강아지들은 왜이리 귀여운걸까?
Why are puppies so cute?
강아지주인분들 계시나요?
Are the owners of dogs here?
누가 저 멀리서부터
Someone from far away...
당신의 강아지를 귀여운듯이 쳐다보명서 오면
Look at your dog cutely when he comes to the order.
How did it feel?
뿌듯하대 다행이다
They're proud. That's a relief.
나 항상 마스크 속에서 입꼬리 올라가있어
My lips are always up in the mask.
그리고 몰래 강아지한테 손인사해
And secretly say hi to the dog.
너무 쳐다봐도 강아지가 부담스러워할슈도
Even if you look at the dog too much, the dog might feel burdened.
짐도 싸야해서
I have to pack up.
얼른 자러갈게
I'm going to bed.
Good night!
악 대박 아직 오후 3시래
Wow, it's still 3 PM.
그러면 좋은 하루 보내세용..
Then have a good day.
난 잘게!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to sleep!