2022 08 03 2548

팹 자주 못들어왓자나ㅏ🥺
Fab can't come in often🥺

하지만 와서 친구들 예명 얻어가기
But come and get your friends stage names.

그래도 호텔 와이파이가 아주 잘돼서
But the hotel's Wi-Fi is really good.

Thank God.

🥷요즘 방장님 바빠서 넌센스퀴즈 못했잖아요🥹 살짝 그리웠음
🥷You haven't been able to do a nonsense quiz because you've been busy lately.🥹 A little bit of

하 이거 언제 한번 해야해
I need to do this sometime.

오늘은 아냐.
Not today.

왜냐면 곧 잘거기때문에
Because I'm going to sleep soon.

다들 넌센스하면 좋아할거먄서
Everyone will like it if you say nonsense.

안 좋아하는 척하긴~~~~~~!
How can you pretend that you don't like it?

San Francisco

I'm looking forward to it.

첨 가보는 곳
an additional place

맞아 사실 케이콘으로
Right, through K-CON,

LA만 두번째 방문
Second visit to L.A.

다 처음 가봐
I've never been there before.

내가 맛집 찾으면 알려줄게
I'll tell you if I find a good restaurant.

사진도 열심히 도전중
I'm also trying hard to take pictures.

산타모니카에서 잔뜩 찍긴했는ㄴ데
I did film a lot in Santa Monica.

엄청 맘에 든 사진은 없는 느낌
I don't think there's a picture that I really like.

열심히 또 골라볼게
I'll do my best.

눈 감은 사진이 반
Half the picture with my eyes closed.

🥷산타모니카 이야기도 다음에 들려주세요
Tell me the story of Santa Monica next time.

I like it.

사실 그냥 구경만 했아요
To be honest, I was just looking around.

이브언니 진솔언니 혜주랑
Yves, Jinsoul, and Hyejoo.

바다 구경하고
Looking at the ocean.

I took a picture.

거기 식당에서 밥 먹으려했는데
I was going to eat at the restaurant.

갑자기 전기가 다 나간 거예여
Suddenly, the power went out.

그래서 다른 쪽으로 넘어가서 밥 먹었어야
So I should've moved on and had dinner.

이런 것도 신기한 경험
This is also an interesting experience.

바다에 들어가진 않고
I didn't go into the sea.

멀리서 바라보고
from a distance.

근데 바다는 그냥 보고 있어도 좋아
But it's good to just look at the ocean.


그렇게 오래 있다오진 않아서
I didn't stay that long.

갔다온 다음날이 첫 공연이라서
The day after I came back, it was my first concert.

뭐 거의 그날은
On that day,

저녁 7시엔 잔 거 같은디
I think I slept at 7 p.m.

The jet lag...

이제는 좀 된 거 같은
I think it's been a while.

오늘은 예외
Except for today.

하지만 이제 진짜 자러가야지
But I really need to go to bed now.

Good night!

지금 나랑 시차 비슷 오빛은 얼른 자기
The time difference is similar to mine. ORBIT, go to bed.

한국오빛은 저녁먹기
Orbit in Korea eats dinner.

순두부찌개 추천
Soft tofu stew recommendation.

Bye Bye

I love you💖